“Nottoday, today. A long time ago, today. We were twins, and we spent damn near every minute together before. He was my best friend, but there wasn’t anything I could do to convince him to keep fighting immis.”

Tears welled in my eyes, too. “I’m so sorry.”

“His name was Rov. Rov was…” Amarok gave a soft, low chuckle. “We were opposites. I was the quiet, steady one. He was the vibrant, fun one. We balanced each other out.”

He admitted, “Immis was harder on the energetic guys. Those of us left are the stoics. We were the grittiest guys, the ones who knew how to cope when shit got hard. Keeping each other alive was always a challenge, but back when it first hit, we hadn’t learned how to fight it. I didn’t know how to help Rov, or how to convince him to hold out. It nearly killed me to lose him, but Valko and Ivaylo dragged me back from the ledge.”

Tears rolled down my cheeks, leaking onto his shoulder and rolling down until they mingled with the water in the bathing pool. “I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been.”

“I still miss him. I think I always will. But I try to find the fun in things, for him. I’m still shitty at it—probably always will be. But I try. Hopefully, that’s enough.”

I squeezed him tightly, needing him to know that I was there. That I was listening, and that I cared.

He hugged me back even tighter, and though we were bare, sex was the furthest thing from either of our minds.

“Will you tell me a story about him?” I whispered.

Amarok chuckled. “You’ll probably run the other way if I do.”

But he told me one.

And another.

And another.

Hours went by while we sat in the pool, talking about his brother and holding each other close. With every one that passed, I found myself holding Amarok tighter and tighter.

Because as much as I had tried to ignore my emotions, desires, and everything else as it applied to the werewolf, one thing became crystal clear:

I never wanted to hurt him again.

We finally driedoff as our bodies began to warm with lust. Amarok had heard my stomach growl, so he carried me back to the kitchen and set me on the counter, whipping up food faster than I’d ever seen him cook before.

He cooked slowly in the mornings so we could spend more time together at breakfast, I realized.

It only made my body hotter.

After we ate together, we abandoned the plates on the table and moved back to the bed. He leaned his huge, warm body over mine and made love to me passionately, without any hurry.

The eclipse set in as we shattered together, and we were both lost to the heat of its lust again.

When I wokeup the morning after, Amarok was still snoring. My body was blissfully relaxed, and I cursed myself for ignoring what I wanted for so damn long after the last one had ended.

I wouldn’t be making that mistake again.

My gaze lingered on Amarok’s body for a few minutes before I slipped out from underneath his arm. After I used the facilities, I made my way to the kitchen and quietly began cleaning the dishes we’d left. He would’ve done it if I let him, but I didn’t want him to have to wake up and clean.

I wanted him to wake up and see that I wasn’t going anywhere. And to spend the day with me again, like he’d wanted to for far too long.

My lips curved upward as more of my plan formed in my mind.

I knew just how to seduce my werewolf… and exactly how to keep him forever.

I was finishingup the last of the dishes when the blankets rustled behind me.

Amarok’s sleepy growl flooded the room, making me smile again. He’d be mad that I cleaned the dishes, but he would survive.

“Aurora,” he grumbled, his feet nearly silent on the stone as he crossed the room.