I nodded. “Yeah, we’re still sort of engaged.”

“Sort of?” Her eyebrows lifted, just like Riley’s had.

“She’s still trying to figure out how to do relationships in Evare. They’ll get there.” Riley patted Ezra on the shoulder. “Let’s get a little more work done, so we can get ready for casino night.”

“Good idea,” Ezra agreed, and we all got back to work.

At lunch time,Riley and Ezra dragged me back to the women’s den, where we all ate dessert for lunch before we started getting ready for casino night.

Getting readyinvolved eating snacks and chatting while we used the closest thing Evare had to makeup to stain our lips bright pink. We looked ridiculous, but none of us could stop grinning because of it.

We spent ages debating the brightest-colored shirts, and then selecting from the lovely assortment of hats the women had created.

To finish off the looks, we pulled these huge, weird, fluffy leaves over our shoulders like they were feather boas. Apparently, they grew on a few trees in the far east corner of the pack’s land. They were the most similar plant Evare had to a palm tree, as far as Ezra knew.

Anyway, by the time we all left the den together, we looked truly atrocious—and ridiculously happy.



Valko draggedme in for a hug. It had been months since I’d seen him, and damn, it was good to catch up. “You’re a mated man now, I hear.”

“That’s the hope,” I agreed.

“Well you stink of a woman, so clearly the hope is working out for you.”

My lips stretched in a grin, and I didn’t argue with him.

Aurora still seemed a little unsure, but we were getting there, and that was more than enough for me.

“How long before you head out again?” I asked him, as we walked toward the pack’s den.

“Kuro should be back tomorrow from the Hills, so I’m replacing him. Most of the other guys don’t like being so far from the pack.”

“Neither do you,” I pointed out.

He shrugged. “It’s nice to have a break, at least.”

I couldn’t argue with that.

We’d been at our wits’ end just trying to keep everyone alive, and now, there wasn’t a damn thing for us to do except dig dens and patrol different parts of the Woods for new women. It was blissful, compared to what we had been doing.

And having Aurora with me, everything was going to change. I wouldn’t be dealing with nearly as much shit alone any longer, thankfully. If there was ever a day I didn’t want to deal with the pack, I could just stay home and take care of my mate, without feeling like I was letting anyone down.

“What’s your mate like?” he asked me, as we approached the casino.

“Perfect.” My chest ached at the reminder of her.

Our breakfasts and hours during the eclipse weren’t enough. I needed time to get to know her, and learn to understand her more. What I knew of her barely scratched the surface, and that was nowhere near passable.

I’d been giving her space to wrap her head around everything, but veil, I wanted more.

Valko snorted. “Should’ve expected that.”

“She’s small and fragile, but strong-willed and resilient. When she smiles, no one can stop themselves from smiling back. Around her, I feel steady and sure.”

Valko whistled. “What’s her name?”