My stomach clenched at the idea, though.

I noticed a few guys staring at me, and my eyes widened slightly.

I smelled like Amarok, but other than that, there was absolutely nothing marking me as his, or preventing them from hitting on me.

That was...

It was a lot.

And I wasn’t sure what to do or think about it.

“I’ll stay close, in case you need me,” he murmured before he kissed me lightly, right outside the shop. “Just call my name, and I’ll find you.”

I nodded, unsure what else I should do or say.

Honestly, I wasn’t even sure where we stood.

I was almost positive that in his mind, we were still as close to engaged as you could get in Evare.

But did I feel the same way?

We’d had sex—so much sex.

So muchreally greatsex.

And I felt safe with him. I trusted him, which felt pretty massive considering my track record with men.

The only problem was that I didn’t reallyknowhim. I had never made an effort to learn about his past, other than the basics. And I’d never seen him interact with his pack a whole lot, even though they were his whole life. We always stuck to the outer edges at pack dinners, and people gave us space because of our frenzy.

But considering all the eyes on me, things were clearly changing.

Which meant I either needed to decide to get to know Amarok so we could eventually seal a bond, or let him go.

The idea of walking away from him forever made my heart squeeze, and the memory of our conversation about that made my throat swell.

I couldn’t let him go. If I did, he would most likely lose himself to immis.

And did I even want to let him go?

Looking into those intense, dark eyes, I realized that even if he didn’t lose himself to immis, I still wouldn’t want to let go. What if I had to see him kiss another woman?

Shit, the thought made me nauseous.

Was I already possessive of him too?

That possibility scared the hell out of me.

“Are we good?” I asked him, stepping closer so our bodies met. There was clothing between us, obviously, but I needed the physical contact. I set my hands on his chest, too, unable to stop myself.

His arm went around my waist. “We’re great, Aurora.” His lips caught mine, and his tongue slipped into my mouth, slowly reassuring me with his kiss. My body and mind were much more relaxed when he pulled away a minute later. “We don’t need marks to be mates, do we?”

“Not really,” I whispered, my palms still pressing against his skin.

“If you’re comfortable with it, we’ll move your stuff to my den tonight. If not, we’ll keep doing what we’re doing. You know I don’t mind waiting until you’re ready.”

I nodded, feeling much better about our situation, even though some of it was up in the air.

“Hey, Rory!” Riley caught my elbow and flashed me a grin. “You don’t look worse for the wear, at least.”