In the kitchen.

He hadn’t been kidding when he said we’d have almost no control over ourselves; we were both lost entirely to the eclipse.

When the need and pleasure finally faded, I was exhausted. I dropped my head to Amarok’s shoulder and let out a long, content sigh. “Wow.”

“Finally, I understand why mated couples enjoy eclipses,” he murmured against my face, sliding out of me and lifting me higher in his arms.

“That was…” I trailed off, having no words for it.

He walked us to the bathroom and slipped into the tub, holding me to his chest. “Mmhm.”

“Yeah.” I closed my eyes and let out a long, contented sigh as the warm water covered me to my chin. “How am I not sore?”

“You’re a shifter, Aurora. We heal much faster than humans, and are much harder to injure.” He grabbed the soap and cleaned me slowly, not minding at all that I was nearly boneless with exhaustion and pleasure. “You should be hungry, though. I’ll make you something to eat as soon as you’re clean and dry.”

My stomach rumbled as if in agreement, and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling.

It had been a good day.

A really, really good day.

And it was going to be a good night, too.

Soon enough,I was clean and tucked into Amarok’s bed wearing one of his shirts. My hair was still a little damp, but drying quickly, and I watched him cook. He’d put on shorts, so the sight wasn’t as good as it could’ve been, but I enjoyed it anyway.

As I watched him, I was forced to admit to myself how much I enjoyed being around him. He was a safe man, who respected me and treated me the way I deserved to be treated, and…

Well, I cared about him.

More than I should’ve, truthfully.

And maybe that should’ve scared me, but it didn’t.

It did make me quiet as we ate and then curled up in bed together though, because the implications of it were huge.

Massively huge.

And despite my feelings, I knew I couldn’t let myself face those implications yet.

So, I cuddled up against him and let myself fall asleep in his arms, deciding that I’d figure out what I was going to do about the next day when it finally came, and not a moment before.

When the morning came around,it felt surprisingly normal. He made me breakfast, and asked me about what we’d done on the shop since he last looked at it.

Though neither of us brought up the eclipse, or instigated anything sexual, we traded a number of searing looks that neither of us could ignore.

Still, after we ate, we climbed out of his den like we weren’t doing the walk of shame. The pack was already up and moving, and I saw a lot more single men around than I expected to.

Amarok stayed closer to me than he ever had before as we walked across the pack’s land. His hand brushed my lower back for the dozenth time in five minutes, and realization struck me.

My gaze dropped to my neck, and I found it bare of the mark we’d shared.

The silvery mark had vanished.

Our bond was gone.

Neither of us was glowing at all.

There was no more frenzy, and nothing else pushing us to be together.