My face flushed. “I have a hard time orgasming. I don’t think I would want to have sex very often, even in the right relationship.”

“Most females have a difficult time climaxing with an unskilled male. It would be different, with me.”

I wasn’t sure I believed him, but I couldn’t exactly tell him he probably wasn’t as good as he thought he was. What if hewas? And geez, how many women had he been with to make him believe he was so damn wonderful at sex?

“We’ll have to agree to disagree,” I finally said, still flushed.

“Or you can simply agree to give me the chance to prove it to you,” he countered.

My face flushed further.

Was he pushing me?

Was that a red flag?

It didn’t feel like he was pushing me; it felt like he waschallengingme.

And I kind of wanted to agree to his challenge.

“The eclipse will make us horny in a few weeks, right?” I asked.


He had me curious with that one. “How extremely?”

“You will either spend the entire day with your hands between your thighs, or in my bed, letting me pleasure you.”

“It’s that strong?”

“It is.”

I let out a long breath. “Alright, then. If you convince me that your idea of possessiveness is really how werewolves are, I’ll let you try to prove yourself in bed during the eclipse.”

“The eclipse isn’t a time to prove anything. You’ll climax much easier than usual, whether at your hands or mine.”

I flushed redder.

His hands were in my hair, we were talking about sex, and it was making me all hot and bothered. There was no way it was healthy, but I was enjoying it anyway. Screw the red and green flags.

The words came out of my mouth before I had time to think them through. “Fine. Prove it now, then. If you can make me climax here, on this countertop, I’ll have no choice but to believe you about your skills.”

The glow around him flared, and he stepped closer until his body met my back. The thickness of his erection pressed lightly to my spine, and my own glow swelled alongside his.

His hands landed on my knees, his touch firm but gentle as he parted my thighs, opening me up to the mirror. I was still dressed in my t-shirt and bodysuit, but the man didn’t seem to care.

Amarok’s hands moved slowly up my legs, and my glow flared along with his as I shuddered.

Not in pain or horror, but because the way he touched me felt so good.

I hadn’t enjoyed sex in so, so long. Hell, I couldn’t even rememberenjoyingfeeling a man’s hands on my skin.

His thumbs moved slowly over the creases where my legs met my thighs. “Are you sure, Aurora?”

He was actually asking me what I wanted. Making sure I was okay with it before he touched me, even though I had already told him to do it.

Whatever existing trust I had in him grew rapidly.

“Yes, I’m sure.”