Eventually, I would need to ask him about the glowing.

Or… maybe I could ask the other women.

Yes, that was a much better idea.

“You’re gorgeous in my people’s clothing, Aurora,” Amarok told me, as we started walking toward the women’s den. Some part of me knew exactly which direction I needed to walk in to find it, and I didn’t question that.

“Thank you.” My cheeks were a little warm, so I didn’t let myself look over at him. If I let myself look at him for long, I would inevitably grow attracted to him, which I could not afford.

“Will you let me cook for you?” he asked me, as we walked.

“No thanks. I’m going to eat at the women’s den today. You could shower while I’m there, too. If it makes it easier for you, I can promise not to leave until you’re back.”

His chest rumbled unhappily. “No. I’m not comfortable walking away from you.”

Okay, then.

“Alright. I might be there a while.”

“I don’t mind the wait.”

That was that, then.

Despite our uncomfortable conversation, excitement fluttered in my chest.

When I went back to my den that night, I was going to look and feel like an entirely different person. I’d say goodbye to Allen and his control over me for the final time.

There was a chance Amarok would lose his shit at me when I did, but if so, screw him too. I was done with possessive, controlling men. It was time to be me, and no one and nothing else.

When we reached the women’s den, I plucked the pile of clothes from Amarok’s grasp. “Thank you. I’ll see you later, I guess.”

He dipped his head, and didn’t say a word or try to stop me as I slipped into the building.

A woman I didn’t recognize with bright purple hair and dark skin was curled up on a couch with a book, and she flashed me a smile as the door closed behind me. “You’re the new girl?”

“Yeah, I’m Rory.” I mirrored her smile.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kyla. I hear you’re fated to Rok.”

Geez, did he telleveryoneto call him by his nickname except me?

Obviously, he didn’t feel as attached to me as he said.

“Seems like it,” I agreed. “I don’t plan on sealing the bond, though. I’m not looking for love right now. Just friendship.”

Kyla’s smile widened. “Me too. The guys can’t seem to accept that, so I spend most of my time holed up in here or at my den.”

“I don’t blame you,” I admitted. “I’ll probably do the same thing when I’m settled enough.”

She nodded. “What are your plans for the day?”

“I’ve got to swap these clothes out for some that fit, and I need to learn how to cook with the ingredients here so I don’t have to rely on the guys for that, too.”

“Oh, Jill and Ezra had the guys help them make a cookbook. They put one in every den; I’ll show you.” She put her book down and led me into the kitchen. I set my pile of clothes down on a clean bit of countertop, and followed her over to one of the cabinets near the Evare version of a fridge.

When she pulled out a thick book, my eyebrows lifted. I accepted it and flipped through, finding drawings of different kinds of ingredients that said what everything was. Many recipes followed, and something within me settled as I looked through them.

“Thank you,” I finally said, closing the book and putting it back.