He was right.

I didn’t completely trust Amarok, but Ireallydidn’t trust any of the other werewolves. Even the other humans from my world would be difficult to trust, because I didn’t know how long they’d been in Evare or why they’d ended up there.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the den much better than I expected them to. I could see the outlines of a bed, a bathroom, and what may have been a kitchen. None of it looked exactly the same as what we had on Earth, but it was close enough that I didn’t have to wonder what it was.

Amarok sat down, and I slipped off his back quietly. My feet ached from wearing my high-tops for so long, and my entire body felt crusted with sweat and dirt. There really wasn’t dirt in the Peaks, but for whatever reason, I still felt dirty.

“The shower is in here.” Amarok strode across the room, just as naked as always. I forced my eyes to stay on the back of his head, not wanting the image of his undoubtedly-perfect ass imprinted in my mind. “There are spare clothes in the closet. If you’re comfortable with it, I can wash your current clothing while you sleep, and you can spend the night in the spare clothes.”

Oh, that was tempting.

I forced myself to stay cautious, though. What if the spares were lingerie or something?

“Can I see the clothes?”

“Of course.” He gestured me to a door near the bathroom, and I tentatively followed him in.

I still couldn’t see perfectly, but I could see well enough to identify a bunch of oversized t-shirts, and a few outfits that looked like bodysuits. There was another section in the closet with huge shorts, pants, and more shirts.

“Shifter women usually wear these beneath these.” He gestured to the bodysuits, followed by the huge t-shirts.

There would be no pants… but I guess I couldn’t blame them for that. Who really liked wearing pants?

“Okay, that’ll work. Thank you.” I carefully picked up the strange hangers holding a bodysuit and oversized shirt. “I can wash my own clothes, though. There’s a sink, right?”

“Of course. I would be privileged to wash them, but if you prefer to do it yourself, I understand.”

My cheeks flushed. “Alright.”

What else was I supposed to say to that?

Geez, the man was just too much sometimes. I didn’t know how to respond to someone offering to take care of me, or my things.

“Take as much time as you want,” he told me as I stepped into the bathroom. His glowing eyes lingered on my face, and I nodded.

“Thank you.”

His lips curved up in a small but genuine smile. “It’s my pleasure, Rory.”

I closed and locked the door, then leaned up against it lightly, squeezing my eyes shut.

Helping me was hispleasure?

What kind of world had I ended up in, exactly?

I figuredout how to turn on the shower without too much of a hassle, despite the dark, then stripped and stepped beneath the water. The heat felt so nice, I barely managed to bite back my groan.


It was absolute bliss.

Then again, pretty much everything about the past two days had been bliss. There was some natural shock to finding myself dragged into a new world, but the joy of being free from Allen was so immense, it outweighed that shock. And the feeling of freedom that accompanied riding on Amarok’s back while he ran was honestly just indescribable. I still hadn’t gotten tired of it, and doubted I ever would.

I washed my hair with what I decided was the shampoo and conditioner by sniffing. It was too dark to see the texture or color, so I wasn’t positive I was correct, but figured it wouldn’t hurt anything if I wasn’t.

After I scrubbed the rest of my body with what was hopefully normal soap, I stepped out of the water long enough to grab my clothing. My fingers struggled with the fabric as I washed it in the sink, but I didn’t miss my washing machine.

I didn’t miss anything about Earth, truthfully.