“We’d be more than willing to adopt Ava and Lucas if you don’t feel like popping out an entire football team,” Levi chimes in.
I’m close to laughing, though it’s hard for me to focus as my gaze keeps bouncing between these incredible men and the lawyers they brought in. The cops stand back in their black raincoats, waiting patiently for a peaceful conclusion. I guess Isaac called them in to make sure Elijah doesn’t get away with this filthy number he just tried to pull on me. Whatever “legalese” is involved in this, I’m starting to think Elijah didn’t prepare for every possible scenario when he came after me today.
“What are my chances?” I ask the guys.
Elijah’s lawyer shakes his head as the attorneys give back the manila folder with equally satisfied smirks. “So, from where we’re standing, that court order cannot be enforced at this point in time,” one of them says. “Whether you did it on purpose or not, it is clear you didn’t supply the judge with all the available information before they signed off on it. And if you do insist, we will have no choice but to bring you and your firm to court for egregious malpractice.”
“What the hell is he talking about?” Elijah asks his guy.
The lawyer gives him a sour look. “We may have to step back this time.”
“No, I’m taking my kids home with me today!” Elijah tries to go into the building, but the cops quickly step in and drag him back, restraining him as he struggles to free himself. “Let me go! I’m getting my kids back! I’m getting my kids back!”
“Mr. Cummings, I’m afraid that is not happening,” one of Isaac’s attorneys says.
In his wild struggling, Elijah throws his head back, catching one of the officers in the nose.
“That won’t bode well for him,” Noah says as the officer grabs his nose to stem the flow of blood. “That’s gonna land him in jail.”
The other officers cuff Elijah and stuff him in the back of the car, while his lawyer tries to calm him down. “You should’ve listened to me,” he says. “I told you we were gambling too much here! Now, sit your ass in there and say nothing until I handle your arraignment!”
“It was all a spoof,” Isaac concludes. “They withheld information from the judge when they obtained the court order. Fortunately, our firm has experience with the tricks some of these lawyers use in custody hearings.”
“I can’t believe this is happening,” I say, completely numb and senseless as I look around and try to piece everything together.
I watch as the police cars drive away and Elijah’s lawyer settles behind the wheel of his sedan and starts making whatever calls he can to get his client out of jail sooner rather than later. Isaac’s lawyers assure him it is taken care of, and we’ll meet again soon to discuss the next steps prior to an official custody hearing. It’s as though I’m limp and motionless in a chair at an old theater, watching the movie roll through the credits. I can’t get up. I can’t do anything.
“How… How… Why?”
Isaac bids his lawyers goodbye for the time being, then turns his focus back on me. “Why? Stella, isn’t it obvious? You needed help. You needed protection. None of us could live with the idea of you being out here, all by yourself and hounded by that worthless prick.”
“You’ll never be alone again,” Noah says. “We hesitated. And I’m sorry we did.”
“We’re all sorry,” Levi adds. “We should’ve thought everything through. It got so deep so fast between us, it caught everyone by surprise. But we should’ve been there for you.”
“You needed comfort and reassurance,” Beau sighs, “especially when you found out you were pregnant again. That being said, dammit, ma cherie, you should’ve told us.”
I lower my gaze, heat burning through my cheeks. “Yeah, I know.”
“Come on, let’s get you inside,” Levi says, gently guiding me toward the apartment building.
Upstairs, Lucas and Ava are waiting for me. I’ve weathered yet another storm, even though I didn’t have a single oar for this dingy I’ve been struggling with for so long. Despite my departure, despite the tension and the uncertainty, Isaac, Noah, Levi, and Beau still found a way to get through to me, to keep me and my children safe.
Once we get upstairs, I slip out of my wet clothes and into a hot shower before I pull on a pair of fluffy house jammies on. Clint and his sister take some time to get to know Isaac, Noah, Levi, and Beau better while Lucas and Ava are positively delighted to be around so many wonderful people at once. I listen to their laughter and radiant giggles as I blow-dry my hair and quickly pull it into a loose bun, then join everyone in the living room.
My muscles are soft after a long-lasting hot stream. My skin feels tender again. My joints have come loose, and I’m able to sit down with Lucas in my arms while Isaac holds Ava with the warmest smile on his face.
“You’re looking fresh,” Beau chuckles as he takes out a hundred-dollar bill and hands it to a wide-eyed Clint. “Here’s a weekend tip for you, kiddo.”
“Oh, my God, Beau!” I exclaim. “I’m paying my babysitter!”
“Don’t you worry about it. My treat,” he replies with a playful wink.
Clint gives me a wicked wide smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Bye! We’re having pizza tonight!” Sadie exclaims as Beau escorts them out of the apartment. I can’t help but laugh wholeheartedly while Lucas wraps his arms around my neck and showers me with warm, sloppy kisses.
“You guys are incredible,” I manage.