I’ve been trying to manage this situation. Trying to figure out what I’m going to do. My bruised ego keeps clouding my judgment, though. My wounded heart keeps toying with my resolve. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I do know I can’t stick around for much longer. Until then, however, I will enjoy this evening and these last few moments I have with them.

“Gosh, you look stunning,” Isaac says as I join them at the dinner table.

They all get up and take turns planting sweet kisses on my lips before I’m seated between Isaac and Noah. “Thank you,” I mumble, watching as Levi pours me a glass of champagne. “You’re all especially handsome tonight, as well.”

“I hate that it’s been so long since we’ve been together like this,” Isaac says.

“It’s okay,” I mutter, barely able to look them in the eyes. “Life gets in the way.”

“Especially when your parents have unrealistic expectations,” Isaac sighs. “I’m sure you’ve heard about how they’re trying to manage our love lives.”

Levi chuckles nervously. “Way to rip the band-aid off.”

“We all know it’s been weighing on our shoulders,” Noah defends his brother but keeps his gaze fixed on me. “Stella, we’re here together tonight, okay? And we’re going to be together after tonight, too.”

I shrug. “I’m aware it’ll end, eventually. And that’s fine. We agreed to something fun, didn’t we?”

Beau scoffs, shaking his head slowly. “Ah, I see we’re all going to keep lying to ourselves, then.”

“The point is,” Isaac politely cuts in, “that we’re here tonight. Can we just focus on that for the time being? Can we just enjoy each other’s company and this wine and this great food?”

I nod at the cheese platter with a wry smile. “Cheese is great.”

We laugh, awkward in our demeanor but definitely turned on. My own blood simmers, bubbling up to my brain as I squirm in my seat, overwhelmed by the heady scents of four men who are hungrier for me than they are for the delicacies currently on display between us. One look around me, and I can tell where tonight is going to end.

The conversation feels clumpy and tense. The answers are rushed and shorter than usual. None of us really want to talk about much—Beau’s new hotel venture is making waves up and down the West Coast since he acquired it from a failing businessman. Levi’s television gig has the internet roaring gleefully about his involvement in the serialization of his notorious novel series. Isaac’s political career is becoming the main subject in almost every Kendrick-related conversation, while the rest of Cape Elizabeth keeps yammering on about Samantha following Noah around like a lost puppy.

I have nothing interesting to talk about, so I just listen to their account of recent events. Granted, I’d have quite the bombshell to drop tonight if I wanted to ruin everything, but despite the tension and my wrecked nerves, I don’t wish to disturb this moment. It’s too rare and precious to easily throw away when I think I actually need it the most. Maybe it’s a sweet farewell of sorts, judging by the hint of finality currently embedded in my soul.

“Samantha is persistent, I’ll give her that,” Noah laughs lightly, then glances my way. “Rest assured, Stella, I have zero interest in her.”

“It’s okay,” I reply. “You’re a free man, and I’m a grown woman. You don’t have to worry about exclusivity and all that.”

Well, that came out wrong, because now all four of them are glowering at me as though I’ve literally just cursed them out. The silence that follows has me shifting in my seat with considerable knots in my throat. All I can do is offer a faint smile.

“It’s the truth, isn’t it?” I double down for some reason.

Noah cocks his head to the side. “Do you really think you’re that insignificant to us? Have we made you feel that way?”

“It’s about facing the truth. I’m just letting you know it’s okay. We’re all consenting adults here, and we agreed to keep things light and breezy and fun. It doesn’t mean you guys can’t open yourselves up to other people if the chance arises,” I explain.

Beau thinks about it for a moment, then nods once and gets up. “In that case, if that’s how you feel, perhaps it’s time we remind you what we are.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you think we’re capable of even acknowledging other women while we’re sharing you, Stella, well, we need to correct that. Quickly,” Isaac says. “Stand up.”


“Stand up, Stella,” Levi says.

I look at each of them, instantly subdued by the embers burning in their eyes as they behold me. My skin tingles all over as I have no choice but to comply with their commands. It is also my desire, but submission is definitely key here tonight. So I get up, my knees feeling soft as I straighten my back and step away from the table.

Beau is the first to reach me with a hungry grin as he dips his thumb into a small glass jar filled with honey, then smears some over my lower lip. “Take your dress off.”

“Yes, sir,” I reply, tempted to lick the honey off, but he shakes his head at me.

“Leave it.”