I shrug slightly. “I don’t know. They’re quite addictive. I’m the happiest when it’s the five of us together. We’re so comfortable around each other, and I’m in heaven when they take turns, when they share me, Theo. It’s like I’m shedding everything that is my life and I am truly myself in those moments.”

“It sounds nuts, but I think I kind of get it,” Theo says. “Listen, as long as it’s good, keep doing what you’re doing. Is your job there safe?”

“Oh, yeah. My lodging, too. We were clear from the very beginning. They’re very protective of me.”

“Do you not like it?”

I shake my head. “Absolutely. I like it.”

“Damn, Stella, I have so many questions,” Theo chuckles. “You continue to amaze me. You really do. If I thought you were resilient in the aftermath of Elijah dumping you and leaving you to raise his kids on your own, I’ll sayyou just one-upped yourself with this arrangement.”

“I’m good, Theo, I am. I promise. It’s strange, yeah, it’s a little scary, my heart’s beating too fast when I’m with them, but you’re right, as long as we’re having fun and that’s it, it’s fine, right?”

“Just protect your heart.”

I lower my gaze, doubt returning to taunt me. “I’m trying. This really obnoxious woman recently checked in. Samantha.”

Theo throws her head back in hearty laughter. “Oh, God, she’s back, huh? The nightmare is what I call her. She’s a frickin’ nightmare.” She gazes at me. “Stella, try not to let her get to you. I recommend popping a tranquilizer before you go in to clean her room.”

“Connie does her room,” I reply. “So, you know her.”

“Yeah, she’s been trying to get her hands on Noah for as long as I can remember.” She pauses and gives me a stern look. “Don’t fall for them, Stella. I mean it. They’re good guys and whatnot, but it’s not a good place to fall in love, babe.”

“I know.”

“I’m not trying to be a downer. I’m just trying to look out for you.”

“You always do,” I say with a smile.

We’re silent for a moment, each of us thinking about the conversation.

“Not to change the subject, but have you heard from that asshole lately?””


“Isn’t he late with his child support payments?”

A heavy sigh rolls out of my chest. “He is. But I can’t exactly afford a good attorney at this point, either. Frankly, I’m not sure I even care anymore. I make enough to keep Ava and Lucas well fed and safe and taken care of. I don’t have any energy left to waste on that man. I gave him some of my best years, entire chunks of my life, my body and my soul, and he tossed everything to the side.”

“Yeah…” Theo hesitates. I think she’s trying to tell me something.

“Why do you ask?”

“He called me last week,” she says.

Nausea tickles the back of my throat, though it’s easy to wash down with some hibiscus tea.

“What did he want?” I ask. The discomfort lingers, but it’s manageable. I am definitely on my way to a full recovery. Someday, the mere mention of his name won’t rattle me anymore.

“He was calling to congratulate me about my move to Los Angeles, my career, whatever. He saw the social media updates I posted, I guess,” Theo says. “But we never kept in touch, so I know he wasn’t calling to just be friendly and whatever. He did ask me about you.”

“Figures. He does have my number.”

“I know. Listen, Stella, Elijah is a prick. I don’t know if he was always a prick or if he became one along the way. Personally, I think he was always a prick, but you always saw the best in him. But just to give a clue as to what a massive prick he actually is… he mentioned he broke up with Amanda. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s the name of the waitress he dumped you for. Right?”

“And moved to Portland for, yeah,” I reply with a raised eyebrow. Disgust persists within me, tying my stomach into tight knots. Even the pastries don’t appeal to me anymore as I remember the sleepless nights, the heartache, the misery, the shame I felt when he left me. “She probably dumped his sorry ass. I’ll give the girl credit, she wised up faster than me.”

“I think he’s trying to circle back to you, Stella.”