“You’re perky,” Theo says, eyeing me closely. “Did you meet someone?”

“Wow, straight to the point, huh? Although, I gotta say, if anyone is looking amazing, it’s you, Theo. Hollywood definitely suits you.”

“Aww, babe, you’re too kind.”

“No, I’m serious. You’re glowing,” I tell her. “I guess that’s what happens when you get your big break and finally get to do what you’ve always wanted, career-wise. It’s true happiness, isn’t it?”

Theo thinks about it for a moment, her gaze softening as she stares at her teacup. “I almost gave up, you know? I figured I’d be working as a maid at the Elizabeth for the rest of my life.”

“Oh, come on, you’re only twenty-five. You’re not married, didn’t have kids, you’ve always had more opportunities to get to where you wanted to be,” I reply. “It was only a matter of time, Theo. A question of when, not if.”

“Your faith in me is extraordinary,” she sighs deeply. “I think I’m dealing with a mild case of imposter syndrome. I mean, I know I’m good at what I do. It’s good, Stella, I have to admit. I’m loving every second of it. But there are still moments when I worry it’ll all go away. That I’ll lose everything, and I’ll have to go back to working as a maid or bartender or whatever.”

I lean forward, briefly hypnotized by the vanilla-scented pastries resting on a pretty porcelain plate between us. “Theo, it’s normal for you to feel this way. It’s a healthy kind of fear, actually, that’ll keep you on your toes. It means you’re serious about what you’re doing. It means you know what you’ve got to lose in this game. It also means you’ll do whatever it takes to never go back again.”

“Be like water, huh?” she replies with a vague smile.

“Our good ol’ friend, Mr. Bruce Lee said it. Be like water. Be a river. Flow forward, ever forward, and make your way across the land. If something blocks you, trickle through, shatter it completely, or eat away at it until the whole thing gives. But never stop. The river doesn’t flow backwards, does it?”

“No, the river doesn’t flow backwards,” she says, focusing back on me. “You, on the other hand. You still haven’t told me what’s going on with you. And you’ve been particularly squirrelly with your texts when I ask you about your love life. Come on, talk to me. What is up?”

“Nothing’s up. I’m just working my ass off.”

“Bull crap,” she laughs. “You seem to forget that Isaac has made a habit of updating me about your situation. He’s glad to have you on board, by the way. All four are happy you’re here. You’ve made quite the impression, it seems.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” I mutter, feeling the heat rising and filling my cheeks as I look away.

Theo cocks her head to the side. She giving me an inquisitive stare—the kind that will make me spill the beans if I’m not careful. “I’m gonna start worrying about you unless you tell me what’s going on,” she says, her tone losing a couple degrees Fahrenheit. “You’re being evasive, Stella. Don’t think I didn’t notice.”

She’s my best friend. She knows everything about me. I do need to talk to somebody about this, and who better to talk to than the only person who truly understands me? It’s just too crazy, unprecedented, and completely out of character for me, hence my hesitation. But I have to let it out, or else I’ll blow a fuse.

“Okay, fine, you caught me,” I mutter, sounding downright defeated. “I’m seeing someone.”

“Ha! Knew it!” she exclaims, but the joy on her face soothes my very soul. “I’m glad, babe, I really am. It was about damn time, too, after that loser up and left you the way he did. You deserve some love and peace in your life.”

“I’m not sure it’s love and peace I’m getting.”

“What do you mean?”

My whole face is burning. “It’s not supposed to be serious. Strictly physical, or so we agreed.”

“Okay. Well, it’s better than nothing, right?”

I shrug. “I guess.”

“Oh, damn, you’re catching feelings, huh?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to.”

Theo exhales sharply and pours herself more tea. “Who’s the guy? Wait, you’re staying at the Elizabeth. Did you meet him there?”


“So, who is it?”

“More like… Who arethey?”

Theo stills and sets the teapot down, her brown eyes never leaving mine. “What do you mean by they?”