“Yeah, we made sure there isn’t a corner in this place that isn’t Instragammable.” He finishes his beer and glances my way, the blue of his eyes twinkling like sapphires under the moonlight. “You could build wonderful memories of your own here, too, Stella. If you’d only open yourself up to it.”

“I’m beginning to feel the same way,” I tell him. “I’m already in love with this place, to be honest. The work itself is easy. More volume than complexity, but I like that. It helps clear my mind.”

“I have to ask, why didn’t you apply for another position here? We had a few openings in the administrative and management areas, as well.”

I shrug, my cheeks burning. “I didn’t consider myself experienced enough to aim that high up the totem pole. Because I had my children earlier than I had originally anticipated, I had a hard time holding down any executive position and not enough time to build enough experience to directly apply for one here. So, I figured I’d start at the bottom and maybe prove myself first.”

“That’s a wise strategy,” he says. “Once again, I have to point out the obvious. You’re an extremely intelligent woman.”

“Thank you.”

“I need another beer. Would you like one?”

“Yes, please.”

And so, midnight approaches and finds us still on the closed terrace, laughing and talking and sharing stories. It’s amazing how much one can learn about a person—and how many similarities one can find in another person, despite our differences and histories. Isaac is a brilliant man with a mathematical mind, yet he is also courteous and has a good heart.

The more we talk, the closer we get, the more comfortable we become with one another. I can’t even feel embarrassed by our earlier kiss because it felt so natural. Like it was supposed to happen. Like it was meant to be. And the subtle tingling in my lips as I look at him tells me we may do it again. We both want it. It’s written all over our faces. The lust burns my throat as I finish my second beer and get up.

“I think it’s time for me to head back to my room and get some shut eye. Long day tomorrow,” I say.

“The night is young, and so are we,” he replies as he rises.

His movements are smooth and swift, akin to a panther prowling, preparing to pounce on its prey. I’m doe-eyed and with enough alcohol-fueled courage to meet his gaze and let my lips curl into a playful smile. “What are you thinking?”

He snakes an arm around my waist. Oh, God, this is wrong on so many levels, but it feels too right to reject. I don’t want to say no. I want him. Badly. My core burns like a furious sun, aching for release.

“I’m thinking we could pick up where we left off earlier,” Isaac says.

“It’s not the worst idea I’ve heard today.”

I had something wittier in mind, but the words fizzle away as his mouth captures mine in a hungry, decadent kiss. He pulls me close, nearly crushing me against his muscular chest. I feel him, hard as a rock against my belly. He’s been thinking about this for a while, just like me. We’re just giving into a maddening desire, a craving that demands satisfaction. It won’t affect our working relationship. He promised, and he has given me no reason not to trust him.

Besides, the beers have already gone to my head. My inhibitions are gone. I’m so tired of not being myself, tired of always holding back, of being prim and proper for other people. Tonight, I’m his, and he is mine. Screw everything else until the sun comes up.

Our tongues clash, our lips melt onto one another. I run my fingers through his short hair and listen to his subtle moan as he tightens his hold on me. His hands work their way up my back. They sneak underneath my shirt, fingertips igniting fires on my skin as I tilt my head back and let him trail wet kisses down the side of my neck. The reaction is instant. Liquid heat pools between my legs. My pussy aches to be filled and stretched. I’m in desperate need of a complete surrender, and this man is more than willing and clearly equipped to give it to me.

Isaac grabs me by the back of the neck, his grip firm as I lose myself in his gaze. “I don’t know what it is about you, Stella, but you set me on fire,” he whispers.

“The feeling is mutual,” I manage between ragged breaths.

“I want you.”

I lean forward, my breasts pressing against his chest, and plant a kiss on his neck just above the shirt collar. “I want you too.”

I’m brain dead and aroused beyond any semblance of self-control. Isaac’s left hand comes around and cups my breast gently at first. The shirt I’m wearing and the lacy bra underneath are slim layers of fabric. They don’t matter. I feel his touch, fingers gradually digging into the soft flesh until a whimper leaves my throat.

He licks my bottom lip, then playfully suckles on it until I’m trembling in his arms.

“We should take move this upstairs,” he says, his voice raspy and dripping with arousal.

I take his hand and smile. “Lead the way.”

We go inside and sneak through the dimly lit hallways until we reach the bottom of the stairs. Having eluded the night porter currently dozing off behind the reception desk, Isaac stops to kiss me again. He’s getting hungrier. Downright ravenous as his hands slip under my tee to give my breasts a proper squeeze. He pinches my nipples between his thumb and index fingers, and I tenderly bite into his shoulder to stop myself from moaning loudly and thus giving away our presence. I think the fooling around excites him.

He grabs my ass and pulls me into another dizzying kiss. “I’ve been wanting to do this all day, Stella.”

“You smell amazing,” I whisper in his ear.