“I’m just thinking about…family, I guess,” I admitted. “Speaking of clinging to things. Nana said my mother wants to talk to me. I probably need to suck it up and try to make amends.”

I didn’t want to say it, but if Marianne never emerged from her coma, my mom would be the only grandmother our sons had.

“Ah.” Xander’s brow furrowed. “That’d make anyone anxious. Are you sure you’re up for it?”

“No,” I admitted. “I haven’t spoken to her since… God, since before I got pregnant. But Nana says she seemed… better. This feels like the time.”

“You want me to stay here with you?” Xander offered. “Would you mind?”

I thought about how good it had felt letting him put his arm around me and guide me up the stairs.

“I’d prefer it, actually.”

Depending on what kind of mood my mom was in, I’d probably need the extra support.

I shifted next to Xander, sitting on the edge of the bed. His thigh was pressed close to mine as I made the call.

She answered on the fifth ring.


I swallowed hard, suddenly nervous. “Hi, Mom.”

“Felicity. Oh my goodness, it’s so nice to hear your voice!” She sounded like she genuinely meant it, but then she added, with great emphasis, “It’s been a while.”

“Yeah.” I clenched my jaw, already bracing for this to go south.Don’t take the bait. Have a nice discussion. Move along.“How are you?”

“Oh, I’m fine, I’m fine. We’re in Miami right now at the Four Seasons. Thomas has some very important business deals to tend to. You know how he is. But enough about me, tell me how you are! I saw you on the news, my poor baby. I’ve been worried sick.”

“We’ve been worried, too.” I reached over and placed my hand on Xander’s knee. He folded his own hand over mine. “We hired a bounty hunter this week. We think he might be—”

“A bounty hunter? That sounds awfully serious. And so dangerous!”

“It’s a pretty serious situation. And dangerous is probably what we need right now. He specializes in tracking shifters, so he’s our best chance—”

“Does this bounty hunter have a name?” she asked abruptly.

I frowned. “Denny. Dennis Kerry. He seems good, Mom. I think he’ll be—”

“I see. He sounds…expensive.” The judgment dripped from her tone like venom. As if the Four Seasons wasn’t expensive. As if she hadn’t invested significantly more money in her BBL and breast implants. “Who exactly is footing the bill for this?”

“Xander is.” I glanced to Xander as my nerves spiked. We’d barely made it past pleasantries, and already, the tides seemed to have turned. “Not that it matters. We can afford it. You don’t need to worry about the cost.”

“Xander can’t track your children for himself? You would think an alpha wolf would be capable of finding his own sons without bringing in some stray mutt—”

“Denny isn’t a stray mutt,” I snapped, the calm demeanor I’d strived for vanishing. “He’s the best there is. No less than my sons deserve. Why do you even care? We’re not asking you to pay for it.”

“I just didn’t realize that the two of you had so much money to throw away. Meanwhile, Thomas and I are over here spending a small fortune on paying off your grandfather’s gambling debts. You know, come to think, I really wish you would start taking some adult responsibility, Felicity. You’ve contributed nothing to this family. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for you to pull up your big girl panties and—”

I groaned as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

“What’s wrong?” Xander asked.

“She’s off on a rant again. About the bookies again, of all things. I don’t know what set her off—”

“Give me the phone.”
