Her expression went flat. “You and I both know that isn’t what I mean.”

“Eh, I know. Sucks for them, though, because I’m not so easily deterred.”

Celeste frowned at him. “I don’t think Morgan would appreciate you being so flippant about her family,” she cautioned.

Cody waved his hand at her. “I’d never put Morgan in a position like that! I’d meet them, of course. And I’d be so charming, they’ll forget they ever cared about whether or not I was a warlock.”

“I’d advise against rushing things,” I cautioned him.

“Yeah, no way,” Cody said, nodding, and I frowned, trying to puzzle out if he meant “yes” or “no.”

He turned around. “Anyway, I’m gonna go make sure she doesn’t have to carry any boxes,” he said before leaving.

Val sighed. “I suppose I better go down to my storeroom to make sure Cody doesn’t distract Morgan too badly. Or move my things.”

“Good luck,” Celeste said, offering a smile as the older witch left.

Once it was just the two of us in the room, Celeste’s silver eyes finally fell back on me. “Wow,” she said, her eyes returning to the door. “I didn’t seethatcoming. They’re fated mates, aren’t they?”

“It would appear so,” I said, shaking my head. Hopefully, Cody would heed everyone’s warnings about coming on too strong, but he seemed completely lovestruck. “It’s a strange thing, having one’s world completely flipped on its head once you realize, but it’s not a bad feeling. Not at all.” I paused. “I am glad Cody found his mate. He is a good wolf. He deserves that.”

When I looked back at Celeste, I saw she was smiling. “Be careful,” she warned, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “Keep that up, and I’ll start thinking you’re actually fond of him.” Before I could counter, her smile fell away. “Oh, shit. I’d better go find Abi and tell her about this development. It’s really going to change things for her.”

“Wait,” I said, holding out a hand before she could pass me. “About earlier…” I paused, taking a breath. “I am sorry about the way I reacted. I shouldn’t have been so volatile.”

Celeste’s frown didn’t budge. “You almost commanded me,” she said, sounding a bit mulish.

I fought the urge to get frustrated. “I did,” I agreed. Arguing otherwise would be pointless. She’d seen the truth in my eyes.

“You obviously don’t trust me as much as you say if you’d let your alpha command forbid me from doing something, Fenris,” she said.

“It’s not trust. It’s paranoia.” I sighed, pressing my lips together. My wolf growled softly, his ears now flat against his skull.

She shook her head. “Trust and paranoia are two sides of the same coin,” she said, folding her arms over her chest. “We can talk more about this later. I need to talk to Abi before she finds Cody.”

I didn’t argue any further, merely stepping to the side so Celeste could leave the room. I stared after her, roiling over what she’d just said. As a heavy feeling settled in the pit of my gut, I realized she was right—trust and paranoia were inextricably linked. If I kept feeding the latter, I’d only starve the former.

I need to get past this.

I needed to, or I’d drive a permanent wedge between my mate and me.



Fenris’s Private Villa

Isla Lobo, Panama

I hope I’m not too late.

As funny as Abi’s love triangle was, I didn’t want my friend to embarrass herself now that Cody had found his fated mate. Walter had told me he’d last seen Abi and Gilbert heading toward the library over an hour ago, but he hadn’t seen them since. I swung around the corner, hoping I’d find my friend before she—

“Oh!” I blinked, taking a step back. “I am so sorry!”

Well, she certainly hadn’t been talking to Cody. But she and Gilbert weren’t exactly talking, either. Not with the way they were locking lips!

Gilbert took a step back and gently cleared his throat. His eyes never left Abi’s lips, which were puffy from all the kissing. “I should go find my brother,” he said regretfully. “It is odd he didn’t try to come find me right after speaking with Fenris. I should make sure he didn’t say something foolish and get himself into trouble.”