I frowned and looked toward the door. Even if I’d freed Abi from Sabine’s clutches, I wasn’t sure Fenris wanted information about his brother broadcast to anyone. “Fenris had something to check out on one of his islands,” I said. It wasn’t a lie; it was just…obscuring the truth. “I asked to go with him. Unfortunately, Sabine got a hold of me, I guess. I don’t know how else to explain it. When I kicked her out of your brain and Cody’s, she got a piece of mine, and she used that to find me. She surprised us and knocked me out. The last thing I felt was someone picking me up, and I knew it wasn’t Fenris. When I woke up, I was in a cell. A freezing cell.”

“Holy shit,” Abi gasped. “They put you in magic prison?”

I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. “It got, um, worse. Sorta. I…uh…well, I shifted into a wolf. I didn’t mean to, but I did, so…that’s a thing,” I finally managed to say. I felt weird saying it out loud, even though Fenris knew. He’d even seen my wolf. If not for him, I might still have been stuck on four legs.

The other side of the line was quiet, and the silence stretched on and on. I cleared my throat, afraid I’d lost the call. “Abi?”

“Sorry, I’m just, like…wow. Is this some weird Lunar Lord thing? Or just a wolf thing? Do they infect you with their spit when you make out, or is it all the crazy wild sex you’ve been having?”

“Abi,” I clucked, unable to help my laughter. “That isn’t how that works. It has something to do with my parents. The ones I don’t know anything about.”

“Are yousureit wasn’t a bite during the act? I’ve read werewo—sorry,wolf shifterromance novels, you know.”

“I think I’d know if Fenris suddenly bit me,” I said wryly. “He doesn’t just go around biting things at random during sex.”

“Maybe he should,” Abi replied smugly. “I always liked a nice hickey myself.”

“Anyway,” I said, clearing my throat. “We were having an actual conversation. I think I’m out west, like Colorado or Montana. I can see the mountains in the distance. Fenris brought us to another shifter’s pack, and I think she’s quite powerful. There’s even a coven of witches here protecting the area, so Sabine can’t sneak up on us. It should give me the space to make suremymind is protected and she can’t do whatever she did back on the island when she jumped us the first time.” I frowned, trying to count the days in my head. If I wasn’t mistaken, the full moon was returning soon—and if that was the case, we’d probably need even longer. Hopefully, there’d be a safe place for Fenris to let his wolf out and run.

“Honestly,” Abi said, “I’m just glad you’re alive, and okay on top of that. Do you feel different now that you know you’re a wolf shifter, or is it like you’ve always felt that way and some things just make more sense now?”

I paused, trying to figure out how to describe the sensation. “It’s more like…it’s more like my inner wolf woke up when I was in the most danger. It’s not like she just appeared out of nowhere, but I never knew she was there. The downside of that is, well, she’s awake now. And she wants to be in control, especially when I’m in wolf form.”

Abi hummed thoughtfully. “Can I ask another question? There are a few things I’ve been wondering that I don’t want to ask Cody—and definitely not Fenris.”

I chuckled. “Shoot.” We’d been best friends for ages. There weren’t really any secrets between us, so I saw no reason to start now.

“Oh, good,” she said, giggling. “Because it’s more like a million questions. Do you hunt? Have you eaten a squirrel yet?”

“Um, no, not yet,” I said, wrinkling my nose at the idea. “I was trapped, so no hunting. They did try to feed me dog food, though.”

“Gross! Did you eat it?”

I made another face. “Well, I didn’t want to starve! The wolf side of me didn’t really mind, though…”

“That’s crazy,” Abi said. “Do dog whistles work on you? Can you see in color?”

“No idea about the whistles, but I can see just fine.”

“Neat. Do you feel the urge to pee everywhere, or is that just a boy thing? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen female—”

“Where on earth are you getting all these questions?”

“I dunno. My brain, I guess.”

I shook my head and smiled. I realized after a moment, however, that I couldn’t hear the sound of voices anymore; instead, I heard footsteps. “Hey, I think Fenris is done talking. Write down the questions, and I’ll answer them later.” I paused. “Abi, I’m really glad you’re okay, yeah? Stay safe.”

Abi paused. “You too, girl. Take care of yourself. If not for me, then because Fenris might spontaneously combust the next time you get yourself into such a crazy situation.”

I smiled at the phone as we said our goodbyes before I hung up, turning on the bed to look at the door. The shuffling continued on the floor below, so I decided to lie down and take a short nap.

I had no idea how long I was asleep, but when I finally woke up, I felt a little more refreshed. When I made my way downstairs, Fenris made a beeline for my side like I’d been gone days, not for a few minutes.

I smiled at him, and a dull ache in my chest I’d only just noticed began to settle again. Even though I knew it was likely my wolf to blame for that, I opted not to think about it too hard just yet. It was still too fresh.

“How was your call? Did you sleep okay?” he asked.

I leaned into his warmth. “It was good to hear Abi’s voice,” I said, holding the phone in one hand. It was comforting, like a slice of normality. “You know, Walter deserves a raise or a vacation. He’s so on top of everything, I bet Abi doesn’t even realize he’s the one organizing and making sure there’s still food being shipped to the island and stuff. And he’s so kind, Fenris.”