“Okay,” Abi sighed, sounding just as regretful. As she leaned up for another kiss, he pressed a gentle peck to her lips. “See you later.”

Dumbstruck, I watched Gilbert walk away.What is in the air today?

As I watched him go, Abi seemed to remember how to breathe. She hurried over to me, counting to five under her breath before letting out a squeal. “Celeeeeeste!” she nearly yelled, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. “Celeste, did youseethat? What an amazing kisser. I think that was the best I’ve ever experienced.”

“I did see!” I said excitedly, glancing over my shoulder as if Gilbert might suddenly reappear.

He didn’t, but we heard, “You know I can hear you” from down the hall.

Both of us let out a little shriek, and Abi turned bright red as I cackled. “I think he even sounded a little smug!” I said, pausing to listen. I strained, trying to pull on my newly improved senses, but I didn’t even hear footsteps, just the sound of Abi breathing and the rustling of her blouse as she gripped my arm.

Deciding Gilbert was really gone this time, Abi gave me a little shake. “I still can’t even believe that just happened,” she said. “I feel like I’m floating. He is soromantic,Celeste. He was sort of awkward at first—and even that was adorable, by the way—but once he got going…he has such a way with words.”

I chuckled. “Careful, you look like you might drift away.”

“We had a really good talk.”

“Uh huh.” I waggled my brows.

“It was just a talk! And, uh, what you saw.” She grinned again. “But I bet if I open the doors in just my undies again, Gilbert won’t run off.”

“I don’t think so,” I agreed, shaking my head.

“Wait!” Abigail suddenly froze, the smile falling from her face. “I still haven’t talked to Cody. What if he doesn’t want to be my friend anymore? If he just thought of methat way?”

I frowned. “If he doesn’t want to be your friend because you don’t want to sleep with him, then he was a shit friend to start with. But I don’t think Cody’s that kind of guy. Besides, it’s kind of a moot point now.”

Abi looked confused. “What? What do you mean?”

My grin returned. “I’m not one hundred percent positive, but I’m pretty sure he’s just found his fated mate. He went sort of nuts when he met Morgan a little while ago. Fenris seemed pretty convinced of it, too.”

“Oh!” For a moment, I thought Abi might be hurt, but her smile returned a moment later. “Man, now I’m sorry I missed that. Well, this works out great, doesn’t it? We get to be Cody’s wing women while he woos Morgan!”

I snorted. “Based on what I saw, he’s going to need it.” I paused. “And I think Morgan might need a friend, too, you know, with the whole wolf shifter thing.”

Abi waggled her eyebrows at me as I braced myself for the inevitable jokes.

Suddenly, Piers poked his head through the library door. “Abigail,” he said as he came inside. “I have come to lodge an official complaint.” He paused just long enough to give her a wistful look. “I’ve been informed by my brother that he’s actually spoken to you and this is no longer a one-sided, pining affair. You have driven him completely mad, thus taking over my role!”

Abi blinked, looking confused for a moment before bursting into laughter. “I dunno, Piers. I don’t think anyone can drive him crazy like you do.”

Piers fixed her with a wicked smile. “Au contraire, my dear.”

“Are you here just to complain?”

“Alas, no. Cruel fate is sending us on another mission already.” He now sobered up a bit. “Gilbert would never say he was already missing you, but that is why he’s lucky he hasme, his loving brother. I think it’d be best if you give him a kiss goodbye. You know, for morale.”

“For once, I think you have the right idea,” Abi replied, beaming at him. She gave me a wink. “I’ll catch you later.”

Piers followed after her, leaving me alone with my wolf. She’d already been restless for hours, but her nervous energy was slowly growing, and now that I didn’t have any other distractions, it was increasingly hard to ignore her. I still didn’t feel strong enough to practice any magic, but my wolf didn’t feel drained in the same way.

I guess it couldn’t hurt to stretch my legs.I supposed I shouldn’t really be neglecting her, either. Not now that she’d made herself known.

Now that I was certain my mother was the witch in my family, I reasoned my father must have been the shifter.I wonder what he was like. Was he a white wolf, too? Did he like science, or reading, or…?There were so many possibilities, and all I knew was that he had to have been a shifter. For all I knew, he could have been a latent one, too.

I guess learning to be a better shifter is the only place to start.

Taking a deep breath once I got out the door and on the patio, I let go of the mental reins. My wolf was eager to take the lead, giving a joyful yelp as her paws hit the stone. We scrabbled across the sand and raced toward the jungle.