“He’s coming with us,” I growled. “To Isla Lobo. Obviously, I cannot leave him here. There’s a silver-lined cell in the far wing.” I hated the idea of imprisoning my brother, but surely that was better than leaving him to slowly drown here. The wing was also locked, so no one could bother him—or vice versa. “We’ll keep him there until we can undo whatever’s been done to his mind.”

“Understood, sir.”

Walter hung up without another word. I set Lyka down and raced back to the shore for Celeste, cradling her against my chest. For the first time in centuries, I felt truly powerless to help the only other being I really cared about.

Hazel, a local vampire from one of the larger islands, arrived within a few hours, though it might as well have been years. “I commandeered the first boat I could find,” she assured me, helping get Lyka onboard while I carried my mate. I hadn’t seen her in years, and I’d almost forgotten that she was not the same type of vampire as the twins.

Stunningly beautiful, she looked like she belonged on a runway in Manila rather than in a remote tropical forest, but she assured me she preferred the privacy away from humans, except when she needed to feed. I could understand that particular desire. In any case, if I could get in touch with Hazel when I needed to, I didn’t really care how she spent her time.

“Walter said he’ll have your witch meet you on the nearby island. It was the only one she had a connection to, but I’ll get you there as quickly as I can,” she promised, moving to man the motor. It buzzed to life, and though we were soon skirting over the waves, this speed still felt entirely too slow.

It felt like we’d never see my private jet until it finally came into view. The sun had long since set over the horizon, but the glow from the small port city outlined a ray of hope. Delila would be there—unwillingly, as always—but I didn’t care. I didn’t care what payment she’d require. I’d do anything if it meant my brother and mate were safe.



Fenris’s Private Villa

Isla Lobo, Panama


The first thing I noticed when I finally stirred was how sore I felt. I felt like I’d run a marathon, or so I imagined. I didn’t mind a walk or a nature hike, but marathons or weightlifting were way beyond me.

I got up slowly and glanced around. The room was dim. A gentle breeze rolled in through the window, the cool ocean air making the gauzy sheets dance like strange spirits.

I gave a little shiver.I wonder if a storm is rolling in.Now that I thought about it, I could scarcely remember a cloudy day on Isla Lobo. The only real storm I could remember was from when I tried to escape.

That seems so long ago…

Except I knew it wasn’t. Giving myself a little shake, I glanced around the room for any sign of Fenris. The pillow was cold, and I couldn’t smell any more of him than was expected for the lingering remains of a resident shifter.Odd.

It wasn’t unusual for Fenris to leave me sleeping, but I should have smelled his presence by now. Trying to shake off my unease, I stretched my arms over my head and headed toward the bathroom. Despite sleeping well into the day, I still felt tired. I was hungry, too, but I couldn’t think of anything to eat.Maybe Walter will have an idea.

Splashing some water into my face, I glanced into the mirror to check my hair. The face staring back at me knocked the breath right out of my lungs. My dark hair had been chopped short, not even touching my shoulders. My skin looked…tired. It wasn’t wrinkled, and I certainly didn’t look like a seventy-year-old woman, but I suddenly realized that was exactly how I felt. Exhausted with time. With age. With malnourishment.

If not for the silver eyes staring back at me, I might not have even recognized the woman in the mirror.

I took a breath and steadied myself, straightening my shoulders as I turned away and grabbed something black from the closet to pull on before hurrying down the stairs. The mansion was quiet—so quiet, I could hear the distant churn of the waves against the shoreline through the open windows.

Where is everyone?

I couldn’t help my irritation. “Walter!” I called, grimacing a little at the sound of my tone. The man was always right where I needed him to be, so why had he suddenly disappeared when I found myself in such need? I glanced around, briefly checking the butler’s pantry. It was emptier than it should’ve been, and I scowled.He must be out restocking.

But why leave when it was about to storm? And where the hell had Fenris gone?

Aggravation building, I took a deep breath.Getting flustered never gets you anywhere,I schooled myself, reaching up to smooth my hair back. There was a slight tremble in my hands, and I frowned, studying my black nails and gnarled fingers.

This isn’t right.

Pulse quickening, I turned, hurrying toward the patio to head out to the beach. I didn’t know where else to find Fenris or the others, but as I rounded the corner, I heard a strange, faraway noise. I paused to listen. It almost sounded like a voice, but the wind coming off the water was picking up, drowning it out. I let myself outside, frowning as I realized there was a small, shed-like structure way down the beach, not too far from the docks where Walter usually kept the boats.

I don’t recall that shed…am I that unobservant?As I walked closer, my frown deepened.Wait. The boats are still there. So where—

My train of thought was cut off by the sound of the voice again. There was something familiar about it, and if I wasn’t mistaken, it was coming from the shed.

Ignoring how cold the sand felt on my bare feet, I hurried over, lifting my dark skirt. The shed had a strange, almost medicinal odor to it—so strong, I was almost repelled—but my curiosity was stronger. I grabbed the handle and jiggled, scowling before it seemed to recognize my grip and the lock undid itself. I stared in wonder, almost forgetting there was someone inside until they spoke.