I scowled. “A warlock.” When Keziah eyed me, I offered her a wolf’s smile. “He won’t cause anyone else any trouble.”

I got to my feet, quickly downing the rest of my coffee. I’d have rather taken my time, but I knew we’d be leaving for Antarctica soon, and I wanted to check in on the grizzly shifter before we left. “Thank you for the coffee,” I said, excusing myself to head out the door and down the road.

It was a brisk walk down to Wuta’s house, but I didn’t mind the chill—if anything, I found it invigorating. Shifters always ran hotter. I probably could have been in a t-shirt and been fine.

Once I got to the dark green home, I walked up to the front door and knocked. As soon as I heard a shuffling inside, I let myself in. A dark-skinned man stared from across the room, raising a brow as he looked me up and down.

“You must be the Lunar Lord,” he grumbled. When I said nothing, he motioned toward the door. “Well, don’t let all the cold air out. You aren’t the only man in here.”

I scoffed but did as I was told. It was rare for someone to have the gall to scold me, but honestly, it was almost as refreshing as the snow outside. “Where is Kal?” I asked.

Wuta motioned toward the hallway. “Second room on the right.” He paused, looking up from the paste he was making. “There’s a young woman in the first room. Had a bad accident. She’s resting, so don’t bother her, you understand?”

I gave a solemn nod. “I’m only here to check on Kal,” I assured him, appreciating the ferocity with which he defended his patients.

I walked down the hall softly, careful not to make too much noise as I let myself into Kal’s room.

The bear shifter was sitting, propped against a few pillows. The room was tiny, with room only for the bed, a nightstand, and a single, rickety chair at the opposite end. As I shut the door behind me, Kal set down the novel he’d been reading by the low lamplight and gave me a soft smile. “Fenris,” he said quietly. “It is nice to see you.”

I sat in the small chair, ignoring the way it creaked and wriggled beneath me. It was clearly not long for this world. “It’s good to see you up,” I replied, allowing myself a small smile. “You were one step away from death’s door, I think.”

Kal’s expression fell a little. “I know,” he said quietly, looking down at the book in his hand for a moment. “I cannot thank you and your mate enough. If you hadn’t found me…” He trailed off, looking away. When he looked back at me, his voice trembled again. “Thank you.”

“Of course,” I said quietly. “As soon as we realized you might be in trouble…we would never just leave you.” I didn’t relish the memory of the bear shifter spread out in the snow, red blooming around him, but remembering the way Celeste had gone right into healing mode made my heart swell with pride. Those were the moments I felt honored simply to be in her presence.

“I apologize for taking you so far from your home,” I added a moment later, “but this was the only solution we could come up with to make sure you got the help you needed. The warlock who attacked you did a lot of damage.”

Kal shook his head. “It’s no problem. I’d much rather be alive in a foreign place than dead.”

I smiled. “Of course. But I am happy to buy your way back home—car, plane, train, whatever you’d prefer.”

“That’s very kind,” Kal said, glancing briefly toward the door. “But I don’t think Wuta is ready to let me leave, and that’s alright. I’m not feeling like myself just yet, anyway.” His smile grew a little fond before he seemed to give himself a little shake and turned back toward me. “Besides, I don’t mind the company. After being alone for so long, I didn’t realize I missed having a conversation with another shifter.”

I paused. “I understand.”More than you know. More than even before Celeste. Two months ago, I certainly wouldn’t have thought I’d be interested in checking in on someone, much less having a conversation just for the sake of it.

How you’ve changed me, Celeste.

Thoughts of my mate made me a little restless. I knew we were on the countdown before the full moon, and I couldn’t loiter.

I stood and paused at Kal’s bedside to rest a hand on the shifter’s shoulder. “I am glad you’re recovering,” I said earnestly. “Just get in touch when you are ready to go home, and I’ll see it done.” I paused for a moment. “And if you decide to stay in Colorado instead, perhaps I will be in touch for another reason.”

I wasn’t sure if Kal would consider himself my ally just yet, but I thought there was real potential there.

He smiled back at me. “I will keep that in mind. Be well, Fenris.”

Celeste was awake when I returned to Keziah’s cabin. After a quick breakfast, the alpha drove us to the nearest private airport. I was relieved not to have to go through any sort of terminal. Instead, Keziah drove us right up to the tarmac, waving goodbye as Walter disembarked from the jet to greet us.

“Fenris, Celeste,” he greeted, checking me over briefly before approaching my mate. “It is so good to see you both.”

He held Celeste’s shoulders in his hands as if he couldn’t quite believe she was standing there in front of him. “I’m okay, Walter,” she said quietly, offering a shy smile. “Can I have a hug?”

The prompt seemed to be all Walter needed because he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Celeste, holding her closely like a niece—or a daughter. I watched quietly, touched by his genuine concern for my mate. Walter was a consummate professional, and I would never demand that he be friendly with anyone. Yet, seeing the people I was closest to embrace warmed me in a way I hadn’t expected.

When Walter stepped back, he motioned toward the jet. “Let’s get out of the snow. At least for the moment.”

Celeste chuckled, shaking her head. “Out of the frying pan, into the fire,” she replied. “Or…or out of the cold, into the freeze? I’ll have to work on that.”

“Indeed,” Walter agreed as he walked up the stairs behind us and shut the door. “Fenris, you will find all your usual things packed. Celeste, I wasn’t entirely sure what you would like, so I packed your bag the same as last time, as well as a few additions.”