I set aside the issue, for now. Picking up the pie, I go back to the living room at the same moment, Paul steps into the house and my heart sinks.
Chapter 26
“Whatareyoudoingin my house?” Paul demands, standing with the door open. The cold air blows in, bringing with it a few snowflakes. I watch him closely, considering what to do or say. This is a special moment for Anna and Chasmin. I won’t ruin the mood by fighting with him.
“Paul, darling. It seems you weren’t able to get the groceries.” Anna sets the pie on the table and goes to Paul. She shuts the door and touches his arm gently. Anna is a middle-aged woman with lines around her eyes, but with recognizable features that show she’s Chasmin’s mom. Seeing her put up with Paul breaks my heart. I know how Chasmin feels about this.
Chasmin is trying to suppress a scowl. “Come, Eric.” She beckons Eric to my side. I put my arm around him.
“Why is no one answering me in my own house?!” Paul’s voice thunders in the room, and his face grows red. He throws his hat to the ground and unwraps the scarf around his neck. He fixes his gaze on me, seemingly in challenge. What for, I can’t tell.
Anna looks distressed. “Paul, Lance and Chasmin dropped by to say, hi. You were getting groceries, and I couldn’t reach you. Now that you’re home, you can join the celebration. As you know, Lance and Chasmin are dating.” I feel Chasmin’s hand grip mine tight. Her mom’s distress is affecting her.
Paul huffs an angry breath, then smiles before sitting opposite me. “That’s much better. I should have been informed before y’all arrived. I’ve been busy at my new job, and I come home tired, only to see you. I’m tired and need to relax and unwind a bit. I won’t stay up much longer to speak to you guys.” His eyes settle on Chasmin. “You’ve done well, Chas.”
I ought to feel mad, knowing the kind of man Paul is, but all I feel is an aversion and a mocking sense of pity.
Anna sits beside him and remarks, “Yes, baby, and I couldn’t be more proud of her. Lance is such a sweetheart. He brought a gift for me. See this.” She points at the diamond pendant hanging around her neck.
Paul now rests his attention on her. He stares at the necklace in wonder before his expression darkens with hate. I had gotten the gift with care – nothing too flashy or too subdued. I thought it would be a good gesture. Paul raises his hand, touching the necklace with a finger. Anna holds her breath, pressing her hand to her abdomen.
“He got you this, huh?” he asks dryly. His hand tightens around the necklace and tries yanking it from Anna’s neck. I bolt to my feet, moving quickly to him. Anna’s face is a mask of pain and horror. Chasmin’s panicked cry spurs me on.
I grip Paul’s offending hand, tightening my grip until it hurts him. He cries out, releasing the necklace. Anna pulls away, leaving the couch. “What the hell is wrong with you, man?” I growl, flinging his hand away like filth.
He stands, trying to use his height to intimidate me. Sadly for him, I’m taller. “You walk into my home and think you can dictate how I take care of my family. In my house?” he yells.
“You have no right to hurt Mom, you jerk!” Chasmin yells.
He turns on her, and I stop him. “I don’t give two shits about you or your damn house. You hurting a woman is a disgusting thing to do. I got Anna a gift, so what?” I draw closer, driving him back.
He falters and gets even madder. “So, my stepdaughter isn’t enough for you; you want my wife too?”
I snort with derision. Anna speaks up, clearly frightened. “Paul, it isn’t what you think. It’s just a gift…”
“Shut it, Anna. Chasmin tried coming between us; now she brings her man to take you away from me with his riches. I won’t have any of this.”
From the corner of my eye, I see Chasmin shielding Eric with her body, while trying to hold back tears. Damn, this all went downhill fast. We all stay in place as if in a gridlock. “We should leave,” I suggest. Chasmin takes my cue and leaves with Eric.
Paul tries following, but I block his path. “Don’t even try that.” He backs away. “Anna, please follow me out,” I say to her.
She looks at Paul for a second before following me out of the house. I close the door behind her. We are on the porch with Chasmin and Eric, who has a confused look on his face. “Mom…” Chasmin hugs her mom close to her.
I give the two women a moment to collect themselves. “Are you hurt?” Chasmin asks.
“No. Just shaken. Paul has never done this before. I don’t know what came over him. Lance, I’m sorry for this poor reception. This isn’t him.” She’s trying to create a better impression, and I think it would be rude to tell her that I already know what kind of man he is behind her back.
“Don’t worry about it, Anna. It’s fine. It’s sad that I can’t stay for your pie; maybe some other time. For now, we have to leave. It was a pleasure meeting you.” She nods with a sad, understanding smile.
“Mom, if you need to leave, you can follow us now. You can stay with us for the night. Paul seems unstable,” Chasmin insists, trying to persuade her mom.
“Thanks, Chasmin, but I have to stay. He might have had too much to drink. He was just triggered by your gift. No offense, Lance. Get home safely. Good night.” After hugging each of us, she returns to the house.
We hear nothing as she goes in. “We should go. She’ll be fine.”
“I hope so,” Chasmin replies. We return to the car and arrive home in a subdued mood.