“Amazing. Now, tell me what I need to know to make a good first impression.”
“Just be yourself. They’ll love you for who you are.”
She pouts. “Lance… you know what I want. What does Lorenzo like? Is there anything I need to know?”
I pretend to think about it before saying, “First, they don’t expect any gifts. Lorenzo is married to Crystal and they have a son. Alfred is two years older than Eric. Marie, the youngest, is married to Karl, a fashion mogul and designer; they also have a son, Jason and a daughter, Sasha. She’s quite young. While my brother, Igor, is married to Scarlett, they’re in no rush to have kids.”
She listens with a smile. “You have a big family. Are you sure they’ll like me? I feel so much pressure meeting them.”
“But you shouldn’t. They’re quite easy going, well…, except, Lorenzo. He’s strict, but he has a soft heart for those he loves. He’s the one who takes after Dad perfectly. If you can survive his first frosty expression, then you’re good to go.”
She punches my arm, chuckling. “You aren’t helping. Still, I’m hyped to meet them.”
“Me too.” I reply, closing my eyes. I think back to the strain between Lorenzo and me. I hope we can resolve it soon.
The weekend comes fast and we pack, leaving the house for the private tarmac, where the jet has already been prepared for our departure. Igor and his wife have gone ahead to California, so we’ll meet up there. It’s Eric’s first time on a jet, and he barely suppresses his excitement. We take our seats and soon the jet takes off.
It’s a long journey to California, about twelve hours in the air. We exit the plane to see a car is already waiting for us. Exhausted, we all get in. Although Eric is tired, he resists his drowsiness to watch the houses flash by as the car draws closer to Lorenzo’s home. I think of the few times we’ve all been in the same place. I must admit, I miss it.
Chasmin touches my arm, drawing me out of my thoughts. She says nothing and just shifts closer. I hug her gently, resting my chin on her forehead.
The car takes a turn and stops for a moment as the large gate in front of the car slides open. The driver moves along the paved road surrounded by trees on both sides. The road leads to a large fountain around which he drives toward the mansion. The car reaches the massive columns at the front of the house, then stops.
“We’re here, sir.” the driver announces before leaving the car.
We all get out of the car. Eric stands beside Chasmin, holding her hand. He bobs on his feet, looking inpatient to go inside the house. The driver takes our luggage from the trunk. The ornate doors swing in, and out comes my brothers, Lorenzo and Igor at the front. Behind them are Crystal and Scarlett. Marie comes out last, smiling brightly. I see the little figures of their children at the back.
I notice Chasmin tense up beside me. I hold her hand, rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb. My brothers stop in front of me and Igor winks. “Brother, you’re late as usual.” We embrace, patting each other on our backs.
“Lance,” Lorenzo calls my name with his deep voice. His expression is placid. His face looks as if carved in stone. The gray hairs in his beard and hair give him a commanding air. Sometimes it takes people aback how much he looks like our Dad, as if they cut from the same cloth.
“Brother, it’s been a while.” I stand in front of him. We’re about the same height; standing this close to him feels right, I miss being so far away from him and Marie. I can see joy and appreciation in his eyes.
He pulls me into an embrace that becomes a tight hug. I reciprocate. “Missed you, baby brother. Welcome, welcome. And who have you brought along?” he asks as if unaware of their identities.
I take the chance to introduce Chasmin and Eric. “This is Chasmin, my lover and my son, Eric. Meet my family.” Each introduces themselves.
“We should go in, brothers. I’m already freezing to my bones.” Marie, beautiful as ever, takes my arm and is already pulling me to the door.
We all enter the house. The staff take our luggage to our respective rooms. We gather in the living area, continuing the introductions. Marie takes care of Chasmin, while Crystal and Scarlett act as hostesses. My brothers talk freely with Chasmin and Eric, to get acquainted with them. Chasmin smiles a bit more, getting more comfortable.
Marie shares why Karl isn’t present; he’ll be joining us the next day. Conversation and drinks flow easily among us. It’s great being around my family. I feel at home. I keep an eye on Eric to see if he’s having fun with his cousins. They are gathered by the tall green Christmas tree, talking. I couldn’t be any happier, seeing him at home with my family.
Marie leaves to retrieve a bottle of wine she had prepared for us. She returns a few minutes later with a big bottle. Lorenzo helps her pop the cork. Marie takes the bottle and begins filling our glasses. She moves from Chasmin to Scarlett, then to Igor and me.
She smiles all the while. When she’s done filling everyone’s glasses, she sits beside me. She links her hand with mine, and we both grin at each other. Seeing her brings back fond memories of me keeping her safe from troublesome men when we were in college together.
“I’ve missed you, brother. You should come around more, not just for Christmas,” she pouts, her beauty radiating easily.
“Oh, sister, I wish I could, but there is work and now having Eric keeps me from leaving London that often.” I touch her hair, patting it like old times.
“I understand, but Eric is such a darling and he’s a perfect copy of you.” She gives me a sidelong glance, smiling slyly. “You know what?”
“What?” Marie is the type to spring unexpected news or jokes on us on a whim. I’m not sure which she wants to do.
“Do you think there’s a recurring pattern among us siblings? We all have things to return to at important times in our lives, such as kids. We’ve all been in that situation.” Her laugh is full of mirth.
Polite chuckles go around. I can’t help but laugh louder. It’s certainly a pattern. Crystal, Lorenzo’s wife, had a child over five years ago without him being aware of it. Marie had a child with Karl, who she has reconnected with. And lastly, I had Eric out there for four years but was not aware of his existence. It’s a somewhat sad situation, but I’m happy we are all together with our kids. I raise my glass of wine, waving it at Igor and winking. “You forgot about Igor, sis. He doesn’t have a kid… except that kid may be popping out soon, unexpectedly.”