It's impossible not to gape at him. When I thought he couldn't be cuter, he does this, and I just want to melt into his embrace. “Why did you choose me?” I'm unable to conceal the wonder in my voice.

“I didn't choose you, baby. I'd like to think that we found each other. I don't want to lose you because of Claudette, or whatever.”

I sigh, resting my head on his chest. I hear his steady heartbeat and feel the rise and fall of his breathing. “When you say it like that, it seems this was all ordained by fate,” I say with a grin.

“And is that so bad?”

I shake my head. “No. In fact, I like it.”

He grins and lifts me as he stands. I hug him frightfully, and my voice rings out in the house. I cover my mouth so as not to wake Eric. He presses his cheek to mine, closing his eyes and just breathing. I close my eyes as well, feeling him with my skin. He whispers, “I like us like this.” I murmur in assent.I do too.He takes us to the room.

The next week flies by as Lance plans for us to move into our new home. Eric and I stand outside, with Lance watching the movers take in our personal belongings. When they're done, we enter the house. I find it different from when we first saw it. The curtains have been changed to a rich blue, and the rug is white in the living area. The carpet on the stairs leading to the second floor is maroon.

The house seems to have taken on a different life with signs of Lance and my personal taste, reflected everywhere. Officially, we move into the house. It is a different experience from the penthouse. It feels as if I'm building a life with Lance, and we're sleeping in the bed of reward.

Days after moving in, I see that it's been a while since I've visited Mom. As we're drawing closer to the holidays, I’m missing her. I check in to know what time Paul won't be around. Assured that Paul is not around, I drive home. Arriving after being away for a while feels a bit jarring. The only connection I have here is Mom. There she is on the balcony, smiling with tears on her cheeks. I rush up the short stairs to reach her. We crash into each other, hugging tightly.

“Oh, dear. Chasmin…” She keeps calling my name, patting my back gently.

“I'm fine, Mom, and quite happy seeing you. Please, don't cry.” I wipe away her tears and stare into her tender gaze. She looks older and my heart breaks. But her grin seems to give her new life.

“I'm just so happy; that's why I'm crying. You're beautiful, Chasmin. Although you can't compare to me when I was younger.” She laughs. “Seeing you brings so much joy and peace to my heart,” she intones.

“Me too, Mom. Let's go inside. The cold isn't good for your health.” She lets me lead her back into the house.

The living room is sparkling with red, green and yellow lighting from the Christmas tree. The room has new furniture, which I guess she got with the money I've been sending. The house looks even better than it did before I left. I'm glad she's able to live in comfort. She deserves it.

“I prepared your favorite meal when I heard you were coming. Come, you must be hungry.” She heads to the dining room, expecting me to follow. Although I'm not hungry, I get hungry thinking about the effort she has put into preparing it.

I join her at the table; and just like old times, we sit together eating and talking about anything and everything. I happily share everything that has been going on with me. She listens as if nothing else matters but me.

“Mom, Lance is one of the best men out there. He's so good to me. I don't think I'll ever find another man like him.” I finish my statement and take a sip of water.

She smiles, patting my hand lovingly. “I'm so proud and happy for you. You've done so much for yourself without me.”

“Mom…” I start and squeeze her hand. “I didn't do all this without you. I made it this far because of you.”

She laughs. “Maybe, but you went further because of your own efforts. Let's not talk about it. I’d love to meet Lance. What's his favorite food, so I can prepare it anytime he comes around?”

The more I look at this woman, the more I know I'll never abandon her. Seeing the signs of age on her face and the gray in her beautiful black hair, I know it'd wreck me to lose her. “I'll find time for both of you. He'd love to meet you as well and eat whatever you prepare.”

She smiles. “Okay, eat more. I have more in the pot, you can take some to your new home.”

Returning home, I find Eric and Lance, standing outside the house. They're in sweaters with their hands in their pockets. I walk over to them. “Why are you all out here in the cold?” The wind whistles by with snow flurries flying about.

Lance pulls me into a hug. “Eric is so excited for the Christmas tree that he won't wait inside. He drags me to wait for it with him. Ah, yes, here they are.”

Eric cheers. I turn to see a truck driving in through the gate. Behind the truck is a massive white flocked Christmas tree. The truck parks in front of us, and the men jump out. They greet us before they unload the tree and bring it into the house. I hold Eric out of their way so he won't get hurt.

The men set up the tree in the corner of the living room. It is quite tall, reaching almost to the ceiling. It's snow white and seems to shimmer as it drinks it in the light. I'm in awe. Eric stands by the tree touching it in fascination.

“It's time we decorated a Christmas tree in our home, baby. We have a lot of work to do,” Lance says with his arms folded.

I look from him to the tree. “I'd love it.” My very first Christmas with him and hopefully more to come.

Chapter 22