I roll my eyes at her fake care. “I have to get back to Lance. I’m afraid we can’t continue this conversation.” I brush past her.
“Oh, about Lance. You’ll love to hear this…”
“Really? How Lance went from one woman to the next, professing love to each of them until he broke their heart?” I stop. What does she mean? I face her. She smiles with suppressed laughter. “Chasmin, I was in your position, not as an assistant, mind you. I know that Lance must have told you how I cheated and all that. But, ask yourself, after having everything I want in a man, why would I cheat?”
She waves me off. “The truth is: I found out the truth about who Lance really was before I got hurt. I hurt him before leaving. I did that by cheating on him. Now, I’m not saying you should do the same. Just keep your eyes open. Lance will switch up on you. You can’t trust him. I know this to be true. Having Eric was just a bonus to get me here. Get what you can while you can and save yourself the hurt. I see you’re a young, naïve woman. I was once like you.” She shrugs. “I want to help you. I’m always around if you need it.”
“I don’t need your help,” I reply weakly.
She smiles knowingly. “Who knows, you might. Bye, Chasmin. And remember, don’t trust Lance.” She walks away.
I grip the edge of the sink, gnashing my teeth. I don’t trust her, but her words have taken root. They attach themselves with my previous doubts and infest me.Might she be telling the truth?The devil can also tell the truth sometimes. I find it hard to know what or who to believe. Is Lance who he says he is? Can I trust his words?
Chapter 20
Iglanceaboutfora sign of Chasmin, seeing she still hasn’t returned. Igor has given his speech and yet she’s not back. I’m a bit irritated. Some discontentment has been simmering between us, but I hope we clear it all up today. What excuse does she have?
Smiling thinly at the man talking to me, I politely extract myself from the conversation. As I’m heading to the restroom, hoping Chasmin isn’t avoiding me. I see Claudette in a rich burgundy dress exiting the restroom. She doesn’t see me. I watch her weave her way into the crowd until I can no longer spot her. I connect the dots immediately and march to the restroom.
At this moment, Chasmin steps out with a breezy smile as if nothing has happened between them. I doubt it. Claudette isn’t at the ball for no reason, especially not when she and Claudette were together for so long.
“Lance, I’m sorry I took so long. I was held up. We should return to the ball. I’ve kept you waiting too long.” She rests a hand on my arm, trying to steer me to the ball.
I hold her hand, fixing my gaze on her, wondering what has transpired between her and Claudette. She gives nothing away. “What’s the matter?” She frowns, tugging her hand from my grip.
“So, you’re acting this way because of another woman? Why do you have to bring her up?” Anger flashes over her features, and she quickly schools her expression with a tight smile. She speaks in a softer voice. “We should enjoy the night, Lance. Peacefully.”
I stop her from leaving. “What did Claudette do or say to you?” I ask in a harsh whisper. “I swear to God, if she dared hurt you she’ll regret it.”
A wary look flashes in her eyes. “No. Nothing that dramatic happened. She and I talked. Now can we go back and mingle with the guests?” Her lips draw into a thin line of disapproval.
I’m not satisfied with that answer. Claudette must have said something to have made her like this. Things were going well between us. “What did she say? You know better than to listen to her, Chasmin. I’ve told you not to.” I can’t help the scolding tone in my voice.
She scowls. “We shouldn’t do this here Lance. And don’t think you can tell me what to do. I’m an adult, not a child you can boss around.” We stare at each other for a minute, neither of us budging.
From the corner of my eye, I notice people staring, trying to look less suspicious. Letting go of her, I slide an arm round her back, smiling. “Yes, we should return to the ball. We’ll get back to this later.”
Damn it! I am not enjoying the ball in the slightest. We are unable to go through with the plans I had made afterward. The air between us is crackling with tension. I don’t know what her problem is, and why she won’t state it. Nevertheless, I blame Claudette.
I’m driving home and Chasmin intentionally turns away from me, staring out the window to the buildings flashing by. I bite back on my words, not wanting to stir up the situation any further. When we arrive, I park and lock the door on her side. She tries opening the door but is unable to do so.
She speaks, reluctantly, saying, “Lance, the door.”
“So, now you think you can order me?” I ask mildly. I’m not angry; rather, I just want her to talk to me even if it’s in anger.
“Lance…” She sighs, running her hand through her hair. “This has to stop…this bickering and fighting.”
“I agree. Only if you tell me what the matter is and we can face it,” I reply. We stare at each other. She opens her lips to speak but closes them, shakes her head and laughs sadly.
“I…am working some things out. How about a truce? We can face this tomorrow. Just not now. Please.” She touches my hand, her smile more genuine this time.