“He helped me get over my grief, and I bonded with him. At the start, he was compassionate and charming. For the longest time, I thought he was the same man I had been married to. I hoped he could be the father you never had or found in Jack. I’m sorry that it didn’t work out. I was selfish and didn’t want to give up on him.”
“Shhh…don’t apologize, Mom. I’m just glad you survived and can see me succeed. So, this means you’re leaving Paul?” Hope blooms in my chest. Paul is unstable; she must know that staying with him will endanger her.
“Yes, I have to. I’ve been ignoring his abusive tendencies, and what he did to you is unacceptable. Now that I’m away from him, I can do that without fear.”
“That’s fantastic. I’ll contact you with the best lawyer when you’re ready,” I reply excitedly. She laughs with relief.
“I feel like I’ve just dropped a huge weight off my back. You and Lance are in a better place than I ever was. I see that he loves you, Chasmin, and I think you do too. You should keep him close. You both need to be honest with each other. If it doesn’t work out, leave. That’s the hardest thing to do, but I hope it doesn’t come to that.”
I stare at her incredulously. Love? Lance loves me? The thought excites me, but I’ve never been in love and can’t put my feelings into words yet. “Mom, I don’t know how or when I fell in love. This is new for me.”
“Maybe I spoke too soon. You will know in your heart. It consumes you with thrill and a sense of safety. At least, that’s how it was for me.” She smiles, squeezing my hands.
“Thanks, Mom. I’ll keep that in mind.” When I’m done clearing the house, I take my leave, returning home to Lance.
On my way back, I receive Sheryl’s call. She’ll be in my neighborhood and wants to drop by. I tell her that I’m expecting her. Meanwhile, Mom’s words swirl in my head. I’m thinking of ways to bring this up with Lance, but I’m afraid. I’m not sure what to call my feelings for him just yet. Arriving home, I park and step out of the car. I feel more excited than usual to see him as I enter the house. I am expecting Lance and Eric in the living room. The house is silent, and it seems gloomy without their presence “Lance? Eric?” My voice is swallowed by the house, with no response.
I don’t think much of it. I climb the stairs to our room, but I don’t find him there. I set down my bag and jacket. He didn’t tell me he was going out. Exiting the room, I check on Eric. I find Lance sitting on the floor at the foot of Eric’s bed, gazing at the boy’s face. “Lance?” I call softly so as not to disturb Eric in his sleep.
Lance groans and turns to see me. He wipes his eyes. I see they’re a bit red. I move toward him, but he raises his hand, stopping me. He rises from the floor and comes to me. “Outside,” he says simply.
I follow him and close the door gently behind me. “I just wanted to have a moment with him. Sometimes, I feel the world is going by so fast, and I just need a breather.” He looks tired. He presses his lips together like he’s fighting back from saying what is on his mind.
“I can relate. Mom was my shield, and you have become that for me…and more. I hope…” He holds my shoulders, pressing his head to mine, “nothing comes between us. No matter how small or…whatever it might be.” He looks to the left, and I do the same, seeing nothing there but the stairs leading downstairs. “I need to deal with something for a while now. It’s kind of tricky, but I need you to trust me. I’ll inform you when I’m sure.”
“What’s the matter, Lance? Is it that serious?”
“It won’t be. I just have to take care of matters.” The sound of a car driving in alerts us. “Are you expecting anyone?” he asks.
“Yes, my best friend, Sheryl. She was in the vicinity and decided to come over. Hope you don’t mind?”
“No, we should welcome her.” The doorbell rings. Lance opens the door. I see Sheryl standing there, cloaked in a winter jacket.
“Sheryl, hey.” I pull her into my embrace. “It’s always great to see your face. Come in.” I link my arm through hers, leading her in. Lance shuts the door.
“Lance, meet my best friend, Sheryl. Sheryl, this is Lance, my boyfriend.” I carry out the usual introductions, and they shake hands.
“Nice meeting you. Chasmin has praised you to the moon and back,” Sheryl says after she withdraws her hand.
“I’m glad that she put in a good word. Please, feel at home. I’ll have someone attend to you too. Excuse me.” he says warmly and briskly walks away. I wonder what’s troubling him, but I put it aside to entertain Sheryl.
“You would not have caught me at home if you had come an hour earlier,” I state and lead her to the sitting room.
“Good thing I came when I did. You have a beautiful home here; you guys have come far.” She waves randomly to the house.
We take our seats; and a few minutes later, the cook brings a bottle of wine and glasses. She fills them before she leaves. We each take a glass. “It just happened, and I’m taking it as best as I can. Mom recently mentioned love, and it has stuck in my head. I think this is what love and family looks like.”
“Take your time and don’t rush into it, Chasmin. I’m also concerned about the recent news I’ve been hearing.” She lowers her voice, sitting closer to me.
“What’s that?”
“An insider in Crown Matters has told me they have an explosive news on Lance having another child out there. Something about a woman being pregnant.” When she says it, I freeze, clenching my glass.
“Are you sure about this?” I ask, my throat dry. I feel cold and warm at the same time. Is Lance keeping this from me? Is that the reason for his action today?
“Nothing definitive yet…I’m sorry you’re hearing this from me, but I can’t keep it from you. It might just be a scare tactic or fake news,” she says comfortingly, her hand on my knee.
Fake news or not, Lance is keeping something from me. If it’s a pregnancy, then it’s recent. Should I be expecting him to have a hidden family out there? Will my life be a retelling of Mom’s?