“Will do, ma’am,” he agrees and kisses her forehead. “Let’s go,” he commands. Mom looks at the door for me to follow Lance.
“Take care, Mom. Call if you need anything.” After that, I leave with Lance.
On our way out of the hospital, Lance states, “You shouldn’t be too worried. I spoke with the doctor; he assured me that she’s out of danger. All she needs is monitoring, and she can be discharged soon.”
“Thanks, Lance. I think she’s beginning to become disillusioned with Paul. Maybe this event will make her change her opinion of him entirely,” I say hopefully. He opens the door to the car ,and I get in.
“We can hope.” Lance enters the car, shuts the doors, and drives away from the hospital.
In the car, Lance informs me about the aftermath of the events at the ball. No one lost their lives, and someone is in the hospital for inhaling smoke. His siblings had to return home to America the next day and are sorry not to say goodbye properly. That’s the best outcome, but the shocking if not underwhelming revelation about the cause of the fire is a recent repair of the building. Wires that ought not to be in contact touched, causing a spark that led to the fire. With such an assessment, I can take my mind off other probable situations I was pondering.
We arrive home safely, Sherry, the nanny is the first face we see. She meets us at the door. “Welcome, sir and ma’am.” She smiles yet hesitates. Eric bounds out from the living room, running to us.
“Dad!” he screams. When he gets to Lance, he jumps up and Lance catches him, embracing him tightly.
“How are you, buddy?” He shakes Eric in his arms; the boy laughs brightly, kissing Lance’s cheek.
“Great. Chasmin, welcome. I missed you guys. Sherry let me sleep in your room when I couldn’t sleep in mine.” He blushes as if embarrassed at the admission.
“About that, sir, I have to inform you about something. Privately,” Sherry chimes in.
“What’s the matter?” Lance frowns, setting Eric down. “Go to your toys. I’ll come to you when I’m done.” Eric leaves, bouncing on his feet.
Lance walks to the stairs. I follow with Sherry behind me. At the stairs, far away from Eric, Lance fixes his gaze on Sherry. “Yes?”
“Claudette, the woman you mentioned I shouldn’t allow around Eric came last night. Eric didn’t see her, but she stayed a while, insisting she had to give him something important. Unfortunately, she didn’t leave it when she left.” She looks distressed at that fact. However, what I find suspicious is why Claudette would come at a time when we’re not home, and with the chaos at the ball. Either she’s behind it or she keeps tabs on us.
“Thanks for informing us. We’ll deal with it,” Lance says and Sherry leaves. “I don’t know what she’s up to, but if she’s behind this…” He curls his fingers into a fist.
We get to our room to freshen up. I’m drying my hair when Lance calls me from the bedroom. “Baby, come check this.”
“I’m coming.” I find him sitting on the couch, his iPad on his thighs. When I reach him, he hands it to me.
On the screen is a front page with the headline, Lance Rosii and paramour keep their child in the care of a stranger. Are they responsible guardians? So, this was Claudette’s goal. Our next court appearance is tomorrow. With this hit to us, she could bolster her claim that Lance and I should not be in Eric’s life.
Lance sighs and dials his lawyer. Do the troubles ever end? We need a break, for goodness sake!
Chapter 32
I’mseatedbesidemylawyers in court. Behind me are Chasmin and Eric. On my left are Claudette and her lawyers. We’re waiting for the judge to arrive. I’d be lying if I said I weren’t apprehensive. This case must go in my favor. A door from the side of the room opens, and the judge steps out. He’s an old man with a bald pate, walking confidently. He makes his way to his seat and slams the gavel to begin the session. Claudette’s lawyer gives his argument; he brings out several articles from recent media pieces on me, which the court admits into evidence.
He keeps arguing that I’m a failed parent and should not have custody of Eric any longer. The judge watches with a placid, indifferent face. He seems bored yet his eyes follow the prosecutor as he glides around the room. Briefly, the judge’s eyes rest on me, but they’re inscrutable. The prosecutor goes to his seat and my lawyer begins calling witnesses, who were present at the ball and nurses from the hospital. He establishes that I had legitimate reasons for being away from Eric that night.
He further adds the many instances when I went out as a family with Eric and Chasmin. He does justice to the evidence presented and everyone in the court holds their breath, except the judge. He flips through the papers in front of him. I want to look back to check on Chasmin and Eric, but I stay out.
The judge folds his hands at the bench and peers at us. He keeps his gaze locked on Claudette for a considerable amount of time, which makes her nervous. The judge makes it clear that he has assessed the evidence available to the court, including the arguments. He looks down at the paper in front of him for a moment before announcing his verdict. The contract I have with Claudette still stands, and she must stay away from my family from now on. The judge gives Claudette a warning not to waste the court's time with her antics.
The court session comes to an end, and the joy I had kept suppressed kicks in. I laugh, rising and shaking my lawyer’s hand. I have no time to take notice of Claudette’s countenance. I head to Chasmin and Eric, who are embracing with tears in their eyes. “We won, baby.” I cheer, embracing the pair.
“Does that mean I’m not going to her?” Eric asks, holding his breath.
“Yes, son. You get to stay with me and Chasmin,” I finish and he cheers.
“This is a cause for celebration. No need to constantly live in fear any longer,” Chasmin intones, stroking my hair.
“Certainly. We should go, I don’t like this place.” Although the court is beautifully appointed, the events I’ve experienced here leave me uncomfortable.