“Ahh…” I scream, running after him. He doesn’t run fast, so I keep up with him. Then I see the beautiful wooden shed ahead.

We take a sprint to it. Upon reaching it, Lance pushes the door open, and we enter. He closes it and heat suddenly rushes over me, dispelling the cold from my stiff body. The snow on me melts, getting me wet. Lance begins taking off his clothes in the cramped space. Only an orange glow shining through slit panels in the wood illuminates the room.

“What’s this place?” I ask, taking off my clothes as the heat makes them heavy and uncomfortable.

“It’s a natural hot spring. My parents built this wooden house on top of it. It was my favorite place during the months when it snowed.” He is now stripped bare, standing stark naked. No matter how many times I’ve seen him, I am still fascinated by his body. The way his muscles move in his body when he walks, and the grace in which he carries himself while naked is mesmerizing.

I stand naked before him too. He runs his hands down my back and presses our chests together. I shiver from the fiery tingle that creeps up my back. “I will make this my favorite place too,” I whisper. Kissing my cheek, he leads me through a door that spills out into an open space. A steaming pool is in the middle of it.

Lance and I step into the warm water: it covers me to my chest while it barely reaches Lance’s. We swim with Lance guiding me with his hands. Whatever residual chill I feel is smothered by the warm water. I feel refreshed. Lance and I get to the edge of the pool and sit on the small stairs.

“How about a change of scenery?” When Lance says that a section of the wooden wall slides down to reveal the snow world outside the building. I cover my chest instinctively. He chuckles. “No one can see anyone inside, but we can see everything outside. Relax,” he says confidently and uses his hands to cover my breasts.

“Phew, that was abrupt. But, the view is nice.” It seems like I am watching a montage in a movie as the snow falls, piling about.

“There is something calming about watching the snowfall until it piles high.” He stops and looks at me thoughtfully. “I see you’ve taken to my family easily. I like that.”

“They made it easy, welcoming me without prejudice. I love the camaraderie. All I’ve received is love, friendship, and support. It makes me sad that I didn’t have as many siblings growing up,” I reply, sweeping the surface of the water with my hand.

“They’re your family now; you can go to them anytime. No door is ever closed to a Rosii or those they hold dear. You don’t have to worry. You have me…and I have you.” I stay still in his arms. I feel as if I’m getting closer to a destination, but I don’t know where that is.

“We have each other,” he proclaims.

We spend a week at Lorenzo’s home, having a great time. Lorenzo, who once looked as if was made of ice, thaws when he plays with the kids, chasing them about the house. The brothers and Karl, Marie’s husband, take us out to have a fun time. At this point, I no longer feel estranged. I feel like I’m one of them. I’m even proud of Eric, who acts as if he is always with his cousins and they are best of friends all their young lives.

When we return to London early in the morning, to the beautiful tree and our familiar space. Eric looks happy to be home, but I can already see him missing his cousins. Getting into our room, Lance slumps into bed, spreading his arms. He yawns and makes no move to cover his mouth. I join him, wrapping an arm around him. “Being back home is a different kind of joy,” he says, squeezing me with his hands.

“Home is where the heart is…that isn’t a lie when we are together.” My phone rings. indicating a message. Checking it, I see it’s from an unknown number. I read the message and realize it’s from a childhood friend, Curtis, someone I was close to when I was younger until he moved away and we lost contact. He wants us to meet. I agree without thinking twice and send ayesto him.

“Your mom?” Lance asks sleepily as he takes off his shirt and rolls over onto his front.

I set my phone aside and join him in bed, lying on top of him. “No. It was a message from a friend. Now, where were we?” Being this close to Lance takes any thought of Curtis out of my mind. I never knew agreeing to meet Curtis was going to be a bad idea.

Chapter 24


BeingbackhomewithEric and Chasmin brings up a swell of emotions. The most important thing was being able to bridge the gap between Lorenzo and me. He can be such an ass sometimes, acting like he isthedad. Although if I’m being honest, I pushed them all away after being hurt by Claudette. It was harder to push Igor away because we are the only ones in England, and he refused to stay away. I stand by the window, watching the snow falling. I can feel the crisp air and smell the baking of gingerbread. Chasmin is in the kitchen with Eric; that brings a smile to my lips.

My phone rings with a call from Igor, and I answer it. “Hello, brother. Are you still with Lorenzo?”

He says something to his wife before replying. “Hey…no. Scarlett and I just landed. I am calling to let you know. How are Eric and Chasmin?”

I walk away from the window and out of the room, heading downstairs. “They’re good. I should take this chance to congratulate you again on the little bundle of joy on its way.”

He laughs, expressing his joy. He told Lorenzo and me when we were in California. I’m happy for him. He deserves it. “Thanks, brother. I still can’t believe it. You must bring Eric and Chasmin for dinner.”

I descend the stairs and see Eric leaving the kitchen with a cookie in his hand. “I will. Get home safe.” We end the call. “Son…” I bend to be on eye level with him.

“Daddy…” He smiles, hugging me with his free hand. He licks cookie crumbs off his lips. “Try it.” I pick him up, hold him to my chest and take a bite of chocolate chip cookie.

“Hmm, sweet. I should get one.” I head to the kitchen. I see Chasmin in the large space, taking a tray of gingerbread cookies out of the oven and setting it down on the island to cool.

Setting Eric down on a chair by the island, I go around to hug Chasmin. She purrs softly in my arms, resting a gloved hand on mine. “Beautiful cookies and a beautiful woman,” I comment.

“Thank you, do you want one?” she asks as I stretch my hand to pick up a gingerbread man. “Stop, it’s hot.” She holds my hand back and she places a few gingerbread on plates for Eric and me.

We gather around the island, eating while we talk. A while later, I have to leave the house to see Fred. Chasmin reminds me of a meeting with her friend. I leave the house first. Fred and I meet at our favorite bar. Inside, Christmas lights adorn the walls and the bar. There’s no Christmas tree, rather the outline of a tree on the wall decorated with lights. I find Fred by the window with a glass of whiskey in his hand. Heading to him, I shake his hand jovially. “Fred, you’re looking good. Looking happier than last time,” I note. His smile becomes more prominent and there is an easy air about him.