‘Dax, I—’

But he closed the gap between them and put a finger to her mouth. Laia instinctively pressed a kiss against it. His eyes flared.

He took his finger away. ‘I just have one thing I want to say.’

Laia swallowed. ‘Okay...’

He cupped her face with his hands. ‘I love you, Laia. I adore you. You changed my life on that island and I never want to return to being the person I was. Cynical and closed off and afraid to ask formore.Afraid to forgive myself. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this before I let you leave, but I was too scared to admit it.’ He made a face. ‘Okay, that was more than one thing. But I—’

This time Laia put a finger to his mouth. She smiled. She was coming apart inside, walls crumbling, hope rising, joy seeping into her blood and veins.

‘I have a few things to say.’

She took her finger away. Dax said, ‘Okay.’

‘I love you too. I adore you. But I truly believed that you weren’t interested in anything more. And I have to have more...because that’s what is expected of me.’

Dax winced. ‘I felt threatened when you asked me if I was going to let people see the real me. I hadn’t realised until that moment how much I’d shared with you. You knew more than Ari. I’d never trusted anyone with so much. I knew deep down that I wanted you—and not just for an affair. But in that moment the thought of revealing that to you was...terrifying. Because I really believed you wouldn’t choose me for a partner. Why would you? I have my reputation and all my baggage. You deserve someone far more worthy.’

Laia looked at his mouth. ‘You are more than worthy, Dax. I don’t want to ever leave you again. Please, kiss—’

She was in his arms and his mouth was on hers before she’d even finished speaking. It was bliss. She’d never thought she’d experience it again.

She pulled back, breathing hard. Dax’s hair was messier now. Better.

She said, ‘I’ve hated you for ruining me for all men.’

He smiled and it was wicked. ‘Good. Because I’ve been hating you too—for being the only woman I want to have a life with that I never even wanted before. Now it’s all I can think about.’

Laia shook her head. ‘I don’t really hate you. I love you, Dax.’

‘I don’t hate you either. I adore you.’

Dax led her over to the window seat and sat down, pulling her into his lap. Laia couldn’t stop looking at him. Touching his face.

She said, ‘You look so elegant.’

Dax blushed.

Laia laughed, joy bubbling up. ‘What is it?’

‘I knew I had to come here today and I wanted to make a good impression. I didn’t want to give anyone an excuse to say I wasn’t good enough.’

Laia put her hand on his cheek. He turned his head and pressed a kiss into her palm. She said, ‘Oh, Dax, you’re more than good enough.’

Then she bit her lip and brought his hand to her belly and its very delicate curve. ‘We haven’t even talked about this... How do you feel?’

‘How do I feel?’ Dax shook his head. ‘I feel like bursting with pride. And happiness and joy. And I’m also terrified. Because my father was not a good role model, nor my mother... But with you, I want to be a father. That night when we went down to the sea...?’

Laia nodded. Her eyes were already pricking with tears.

‘I imagined a family,’ Dax continued. ‘I imagined you with children, hearing their excitement. And I wanted to be part of that.’

Laia was crying in earnest now. ‘I would love that.’

Dax put his hand over hers on her belly and said, ‘Let’s do it. Let’s do it all together. For ever.’

Laia nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. Dax’s hands roved over her body, feeling every inch, relearning her shape. Making her blood grow hot. Making her want him. Right now.