The fact that it would also ensure lasting peace between their two countries was an added bonus. In an unstable world, people wanted assurances of longevity and stability and their marriage would permanently defuse any of the small, but lingering rebel elements in both kingdoms. It was time to let the past go for good and move into a new harmonious future.

Ari had never entertained any notions of marrying for love—he’d witnessed what love had done to his mother. Made her weak and bitter. And all the while his father had shown his callous disregard, taking lovers into his private rooms while his wife, his Queen, had self-destructed.

Something Maddi had said came back to him...

‘But don’t you want to be happy? I mean, I’m no idealistic romantic, but surely a marriage will thrive better if there is a sense of companionship...’

He didn’t disagree with that sentiment entirely. He knew exactly what he expected from his marriage to Princess Laia. Mutual respect. Integrity. And, yes...ideally, companionship. From which they would create a stable union and a secure foundation for their heirs. With none of the drama and emotion and histrionics he’d witnessed in his parents.

But as for happiness...? Happiness wasn’t something Ari had ever expected or craved. It wasn’t something he needed. He would find happiness in knowing that things were proceeding as they should. As they’d been planned. Meticulously.

And right now he wasnothappy.

An image of Maddi popped into his head...standing there so defiantly after she’d thrown her phone away. Tall and strong and curvaceous. Like some sort of amazon warrior. She’d looked regal in that moment.And sexy as hell.

Ari shook his head to dispel the image and the thought. He would control this entire situation—including his rogue hormones. She would not get away with this audacity.

But there was one thing he needed to attend to, with possibly the only other person in the world he trusted as much as his brother. An old friend who now ran a security company that provided his protection and that of every other high-ranking individual on the planet.

After a small amount of chitchat, Ari said, ‘If I give you a name, can you investigate and ask no questions?’

‘Of course. Consider it done.’

‘Thank you.’ Ari gave his friend the name and terminated the call. If there was anything he needed to know about Maddi Smith, his friend Antonio Chatsfield would unearth it.

The following morning

‘You are welcome here as my guest, until such time as Laia arrives. And I can assure you she will. I have someone looking for her right now.’

‘Who?’ asked Maddi.

She hadn’t slept well last night—unsurprisingly. But not just because Aristedes had found out about the deception. No, her fractured sleep and dreams had been populated by very disturbing images of him punishing her for her transgression by hauling her into his hard body and kissing her until she was dizzy and molten. Senseless.

She’d been woken early by Hannah, who had told her the King would join her for breakfast in her suite. A small dining table had been set up in the sitting area.

She hadn’t known what to expect of the King this morning but he seemed perfectly sanguine. She didn’t trust it.

‘Who, what?’ he asked as he plucked a grape from the fruit bowl and popped it into his mouth.

Maddi couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous of the grape as those firm lips closed around it. He was wearing a light blue shirt today, and dark trousers. Beard neat and trim. Hair thick and pushed back from his face, revealing all its hard-boned beauty. He really was spectacular.


She blinked. She was losing it. ‘Who have you sent to look for Laia?’

‘The best person for the job. My younger brother, Crown Prince Dax.’

Maddi’s eyes widened. If there was anyone in the world Laia disliked more than Aristedes—and, to be fair, she didn’tnotlike him...she just didn’t want to marry him and thought he was too serious—it was his brother. The renowned playboy, the ‘spare’ heir, Crown Prince Dax de Valle y Montero.

Maddi had been surprised at the level of Laia’s dislike for the man. Whenever she saw pictures of him with yet another beautiful model, stepping out of a club, or lounging on a yacht, she would make dismissive comments about his lack of a work ethic and/or his lack of responsibility to his duties.

It was ironic, really. Laia was perceived as being not unlike Crown Prince Dax, but in reality she couldn’t be more different. Maddi felt sorry for the guy if he did manage to find Laia.

‘Anything you’d like to share?’ asked Aristedes.

He’d obviously noticed her reaction.

Maddi shook her head and wiped her face clean of expression. ‘No, nothing at all.’