And that’s when all hell breaks loose.
Somewhere below me, gunfire erupts.
A lot of gunfire erupts.
It’s so much. So loud.
I can also hear glass shattering and men screaming, and it’s the best sound I’ve ever heard in my life.
Because it means Hans is here.
When we hit the house,we go loud.
We enter through every door and first-floor window.
We show no mercy.
We don’t have any.
We don’t need any.
Every man and woman fighting with me has hands covered in blood.
And that’s okay.
Because vengeance is rarely clean.
The elationof knowing Hans is close is overshadowed by the terror of knowing the man behind me is closer.
My lungs burn as I run as fast as I can down the hall.
The elevator is out of the question, not enough time, but there has to be stairs somewhere.
“Keep running, bitch!” the man shouts from not too far behind me. “This is my favorite part!”
A whimper catches in my throat.
I haven’t even seen the man’s face, but his voice is going to be burned into my memory.
Rooms blur by.
I just have to get to Hans.
I just have to find Hans.
He’ll destroy this man for me. I know he will.
The man laughs behind me.
I feel like he’s toying with me. Like he could have caught me by now.