“Sorry, but I’m pretty sure your mother hates you.”
His jaw flexes. “You’re acting like a child.”
I cross my arms instead of responding.
“And the idea of Hans rescuing you with the help of his little harem is just as juvenile.” He scoffs. “It’s a suicide mission I’ll welcome with open arms.”
I don’t miss the way he’s always belittling women. This man hates females. Which tracks with him beingthe worst. And it means he’ll never be afraid of Karmine’s army. Even if he should be.
But a man like this, one who preys on those weaker than him, I bet I know what he is afraid of.
I bet he’s afraid of Hans.
Afraid of ever finding himself one-on-one with the killer.
And right now Gabriel feels safe in this marbled prison.
He feels comfortable.
And I just can’t allow that to continue.
My lips pull into a smirk. “Hans isn’t with the women.”
I suspect he’s called Karmine for help by now, but that’s not important for this conversation.
“So he’s coming alone?” Gabriel mocks. “Even better.”
I shake my head. “Not alone.”
He starts to sneer, but I don’t flinch. And I can see the moment he realizes I might be telling the truth.
Hans has always been alone.
Since the man in front of me ruined his life twenty years ago, Hans has been alone.
He’s fought alone.
He’s killed alone.
He’s eaten his meals alone.
Spent his holidays alone.
My heart squeezes so hard for him.
For what he lost.
For what I can give him.
“What is she talking about?” Gabriel turns to Andre, whose face has gone pale.
“There, uh—There were men. With him in Dallas,” Andre stammers. “I thought you knew.”
Gabriel slowly shakes his head. “And how would I know that if you didn’t tell me?”
“On the plane—You were on the phone with Kris—” Andre slices a glare at me, like it’s my fault he didn’t do his job.
I wink at him.