Page 167 of Hans

“Marcoux has Cassandra.”

She hisses a curse. “Send me the coordinates.”

I watch the dot on my screen. “It looks like they’re going to Phoenix. They’re on a plane ahead of us.”

“She have a tracker on her?”

“Subdermal,” I tell her so she knows it’s not a phone that can be found and switched off. “Just last night.”

She knows what that means too. That the site of the injection will be visible.


“Her sleeves cover it.” It’s all I can bring myself to say. Because the wordsAs long as they leave her clothes onwon’t form.

I can’t say it.

I can’t bear imagining.

Because that would be bad enough. The absolute worst. But if they suspected the tracker… I almost heave. They’d cut it out of her.

“How far ahead are they?” Karmine asks, forcing me to think of something else.

The men went as quickly as they could, but we needed to refuel and lost precious time.

“About eight minutes,” I tell her, but we both know I can’t just jump off this plane and get her.

Even if we could land at the same airport, we can’t land second. We don’t know what sort of weaponry they have. They could take out our entire plane before we even touch ground.

So I have to make assumptions.

I assume, based on their trajectory, they’re headed to Phoenix.

I assume when they land, they’ll take Cassandra to Marcoux’s compound in the dessert.

I assume the satellite images King got are accurate.

I assume this is all a tactic to get me. And that they’ll keep Cassandra alive.

“We’ll get her, Hans,” Karmine promises. “I owe you this.”

She doesn’t owe me shit. But I need her help all the same. “Just head to Cain’s hangar in Phoenix. We’ll gear up there.”

“On my way.”

I hang up and hit on Cain’s contact.

It rings twice, and before he can speak, I start. “Change in plans. Couldn’t wait for the delivery.”

I wouldn’t consider us friends exactly, but he knows this life well enough to know that a last-minute change in plans is not a good thing.

“Where are you headed?”

“To your city.”

“What do you need?”

I tell him.