Page 163 of Hans

He looks down at me with his brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I fan my face. “I’m just a little warm.”

The hangar isn’t as sweltering as it is outside in the sun, but it’s still hot.

Hans moves his hand to my back and starts to guide me to the closest SUV.

He lifts his chin, getting the attention of the man leaning against the front bumper. And the man steps forward.

Hans points to the vehicle. “Can you start it up and turn the AC on?”

My eyes widen with guilt. “No, Hans, I’ll be okay.”

The other man ignores me and nods. “Can do.”


“Butterfly.” His voice is so gentle. “I love you.”

I melt.

“Hans.” My tone matches his. “I love you too.”

“Then you’ll get your sweet ass in that back seat and cool down. But leave the door open so I can see you.”

Having a door open while blasting the AC seems like the most wasteful thing ever. But as a drip of sweat breaks free from my hairline, I decide to indulge us both.



“The pilotjust called to let me know they’ll be touching down in ten,” Cain’s rough voice tells me through the phone. “Some dumb fuck stalled out on the runway, delaying their takeoff, but he made up some of the time in the air.”

“That’s not a problem,” I tell him. “I know this was all pretty last minute.”

“Usually is with you.” His chuckle sounds rarely used.

“Can’t argue.” After hanging up, I slide my phone back into my pocket.

Ten to land, five to taxi here, another ten to unload and gear up. We should be on the road in under thirty.

I cross the floor to update the guys and glance over to the SUV where Cassandra is sitting.

As promised, the back door facing the hangar is open, and she’s leaning against the far door with her legs stretched out in front of her across the rear bench seat. She’s finished her candy and is doing something on her phone. Probably reading through her favorite recipe sites.

Determined to give this update and then go sit with her, I’m just turning my head away from my girl when the door behind her suddenly opens, and she’s dragged back out of the vehicle.



My stomach dropsas I start to fall without warning.

I let go of my phone and throw my arms wide, trying to catch myself, but rough hands grip my armpits and harshly drag me backward.

My elbow hits the door frame, and my heel catches on the running board.

Panic flares alongside confusion, and I haven’t even had time to scream.