Page 117 of Hans

It’s like hearing a song for the first time after years and years but remembering every lyric the second it starts.

It’s a heavy sort of comfort. But it also terrifies me.

I unbuckle my seat belt.

Cassandra was my obsession.

My Butterfly to love at a distance.

A pretty creature on the other side of the glass.

I never wanted her to know me.

Never wanted to take the chance of trying.

Because her rejection… It would crush me.

I’d known that much. Known that if she was afraid of me, it would smother the last bit of humanity I still held.

From afar, I could pretend. I could dream. I could fantasize and prepare. But never believe any of it could be real. Never think I’d ever have her close enough to touch.

I made a point to never get close enough to touch.

Cassandra reaches up and brushes her fingers along my jaw.

Not once, not ever, did I think she’d reach forme.

And now I’ll settle for nothing less than all of her.



There’ssomething going on behind his eyes. Something intense.

And I’m irritated that I don’t know his expressions well enough to know what it means.

But Hans doesn’t say anything, just reaches past me to grab the backpacks, lifting them easily up and over me.

As he flings his door open, I shift and slide out after him.

Of course he doesn’t let me just drop down to the ground—he catches me around the waist, lowering me slowly.

I expect him to start walking toward the hotel, but Hans moves to the rear door and opens it.

I’m on the other side of the door, so I don’t see what he’s doing until he slams it shut.

And then my jaw slackens.

Because he’s pulling on a worn leather jacket. Mixed with his boots, long hair, and shirt that’s not buttoned all the way to the top, he looks like a literal rockstar.

Unaware of my throbbing libido, Hans slings a backpack over each shoulder—which somehow doesn’t look out of place, then gestures for me to go.

I stop in front of the truck and hold my hand out for Hans.

His eyes snap down to my hand, and I watch him swallow before he grips my fingers with his own.

His hold is tight, like he’s worried I might sayjust kiddingand pull my hand back.