It’s a room saved forprivate parties. Ones that are little more than coke fests and excuses to hire strippers and treat them like shit.
It’s a room with another bouncer, this one looking slightly more alert than the man out front.
It’s a room I know about but have never been in.
Until tonight.
My steps slow until I stop in front of the man guarding the door.
Inside that room, three men are waiting for another man to arrive with instructions. Because they have a bag of money, and the man they’re expecting has a cargo shipment, and they need to know where to go pick up that cargo.
Except I’m not the man they’re expecting.
And humans aren’t cargo.
So they’re about to die.
“Password?” the bouncer asks me.
“Candy cane,” I reply.
It’s the right answer, even if it’s a stupid one. But I know it’s right because Karmine texted it to me an hour ago after she got it out of the real seller.
And people don’t lie to Karmine.
The bouncer reaches behind himself to twist the door handle. He only opens the door a crack, then he steps aside to let me pass.
I nod to him, unsure how much he knows about tonight’s dealings and, therefore, unsure if I should kill him too or not.
Time will tell.
I push the door open with my left hand, gripping the edge of it as I do, and as soon as I’ve stepped through, I swing it shut behind me.
The music is still audible through the closed door, but not so loud I need to raise my voice.
“Gentlemen.” I greet the three men who are certainly not.
Their heads turn at the same time, looking up at me from their seated positions around a beat-to-hell poker table in the center of the room.
“You the guy?” one of them asks.
“I’m the guy,” I reply.
The man on the right moves his eyes up to my shoulder-length blond hair.
He starts to slide his chair back.
“What’s your name?” the first guy asks.
But I keep my eyes on the man to my right when I answer. “Hans.”
His face pales, even as he reaches down to his side.
He knows my name.
He knows he needs a weapon.
But he’s not a professional.