My hands tremblea little as I hand my passport to the customs agent.
I wish I wasn’t still feeling so nervous. I landed. I got my luggage. I’m on time. I’ll find my coworkers in just a few minutes.
But my body doesn’t seem to accept that. And with the amount of sweat trickling down my back, I won’t be surprised if I get detained for suspicious activity.
“What brings you to Mexico?” the man behind the desk asks.
“Work,” I croak.
He lifts a brow, holding my passport up so he can look at the photo and then back at me.
He does this for several seconds.
The pressure is too much.
I lift my hands and fan my face, the summer heat permeating the indoors. “Sorry.” I keep fanning myself. “I don’t like flying alone, and I’m stressed out and hot, but I promise I’m just here for work.”
The man stares at me for another beat before he smirks and hands the passport back to me. “You’re good, Ms. Cantrell. Welcome to Mexico.”
My entire body sags in relief, and the man’s smile grows into a grin.
If I wasn’t so obsessed with my growly big-dicked neighbor, I might ask this guy for his number.
“Thank you.” I slip the passport into an interior pocket in my backpack, then zip it up, making sure there’s no way for it to fall out or for someone with skilled fingers to lift it. “Thank you,” I say again, then drag my suitcase—with my backpack attached to the handle—away.
It doesn’t take long before I spot a group of people I recognize standing next to the sign for transportation. It makes me feel a little better, but there’s a part of me that wishes Hans could’ve come with me. I still barely know him, but hisdon’t fuck with meattitude just makes me feel safe.
I square my shoulders and plaster a smile on my face.
I’ll see him soon enough. Time to face reality.
I don’t even bother sighingwhen I see the hotel Cassandra’s company has her staying in.
The bus pulls through theopen gateleading onto the property, and I follow.
I saw my Butterfly through one of the side windows of the bus, so I know she’s in the middle and not in the rear seat, which would be the only place she could realistically see me from.
Her company didn’t even spring for a coach bus. They’re in a fucking rented-out school bus. No tinted windows. Just clear glass and a front and rear entrance begging someone to hijack them.
The gate guard nods to me, and I nod back as I drive through, but what I really want to do is pull one of my knives out of my bag and throw it through his eye socket. Or at the very least roll down my window and shout¡Haz tu trabajo, maldito idiota!But I don’t do any of that. Because he obviouslyisa fucking idiot. But also, his not doing his job makes this easier for me.
I back my rented car into a spot in the middle of the little parking lot.
There aren’t a lot of vehicles here, so hopefully that means they have a vacancy. And if they don’t, well, I have enough cash to create one.
I watch through my windshield as Cassandra’s coworkers drag their luggage off the bus.
Cassandra is next. I can see her red suitcase before I can see her.
A man reaches up to take the heavy bag from her, and I shove my door open.
She smiles at him, and I put a foot outside.