Page 185 of Hans

A vision of me bringing my children to visit their grandparents’ graves presses me to the doorframe.

I haven’t visited them.

I couldn’t bear to face them, not until I put this to rest.

The dead body of Gabriel Marcoux falls to the floor.

It is over.

My family can finally rest.

And so can I.

Because of her.




At the sound of Hans’s whisper, I drop the gun and turn.

I don’t even make it a step before he’s there. Before his strong arms wrap around me, and he lifts me against his body.

I circle my arms around his neck and hitch my legs around his hips.

My Hans.

He’s here. Right here.

Behind Hans, Karmine and several of her soldiers enter the room. Two of them step over Gabriel’s corpse to check the room he came from, while Karmine and the others go to the three women who are still standing along the wall.

“Thank you,” Hans murmurs into my neck, holding me tightly. “Thank you, Cassandra. My Girl. My Butterfly.”

Over and over, he thanks me, and all I can do is cling to him while I cry against his shoulder.

Tears of relief.

Tears from the fear I felt.

Tears for all of the women who have been through too much.

I hug Hans tighter.

I don’t know how he’s dealt with so much on his own. But never again. Never again.

“I love you.” I choke out the words.

He squeezes me to him until it’s hard to breathe. “I love you so fucking much.”

A small laugh bubbles up in response to him cursing while telling me he loves me.

I lift my head so I can look at him.

Blood is spattered across his face and in his hair. His eyes are rimmed red. And I swear I can feel his heart pounding through the thick vest he’s wearing.

“Don’t ever fucking scare me like that again,” Hans growls, then presses his lips to mine. “Thank you.” He presses a softer kiss to my mouth. “I-I hate that you had to do that.” His eyes are so bright, so alive. “But…” He gives his head the smallest shake. “Thank you, Cassandra. What you’ve given me…”