Page 153 of Hans

But now I know he ate everything because of hisinfatuationwith me. I could have given him a container of gravel and he probably would have eaten it.

I twist my fingers tighter together.

Maybe baking was a mistake. I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of Hans’s new friends.

The object of my own infatuation is the last to step into the room, and his eyes are already locked on mine.

And just like that, the tension building inside me lessens.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of my cookies, Hans will always love me.

Something warm wraps around my heart.

Hans will always love me.

The last of my tension vanishes, replacing itself with something so light I feel like I could start floating.

It should hardly be a revelation. Hans loving me. He’s proven it so many times already in the limited interactions we’ve had.

And I love him too.

This big, crazy, domineering stalker of mine, he’s just that. Mine.

He’s still ten feet from the other side of the island, but he’s coming to me.

He’ll always come to me.

“Cassie made them,” Payton says in a cheery voice as Nero reaches for one of the cookies.

And that’s when Hans’s expression changes. And he throws one of his knives.



A knife flies past me.

Reflex has me jumping back and drawing my gun.

“Hans!” Cassie shouts.

And Toto starts barking his ass off.

Payton scoops up her dog, causing him to quiet, as Cassie hurries around the island to her deranged boyfriend, who has another throwing knife in his hand.

The first knife, the one that flew in front of my face, is buried in some sort of cutting board in the center of the island. The tip of the blade stuck in the wooden surface with the handle sticking up between Nero’s outstretched hand and the stack of cookies.

Hans’s jaw is clenched tight, and Cassie steps directly in front of him, putting both her hands on his chest. “Baby, we’re guests here. I made these for everyone.”

I move my gaze over to King and mouth the wordBaby.

He just rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

“But you made them.” Hans’s voice is a growl, and I start to second-guess myself as I slide my gun back into its holster.

He might not be abad guy,but this dude has probably killed more than any two of us combined. And he seems just as fucking unhinged as Nero. Maybe more. Which is saying something.

Nero reaches forward, and Hans twitches, like he’s ready to throw the second blade. But this time, I doubt he’ll be aiming for an inanimate object.