Page 92 of Temptation

“Because I have someone keeping a tab on him ever since Sheena told me what had happened in the past.”

“Fuck,” Kabier swore. “Wait, I’m just going up to her room.”

Anxiety assaulted Rajiv. His pulse began to skitter.

“She’s not in her room,” Kabier said. “I’m checking with my mom.”

Ice spread through Rajiv’s veins as he overheard Kabier’s conversation with his mom, informing her of Karan’s release and that he couldn’t find Sheena in the house. In the background, he heard doors open and close as servants woke up and started calling out to Sheena. But Sheena wasn’t at home.

Something was wrong. Sheena was in trouble; he felt it in his bones. His heart had been warning him of that. Rajiv gathered his wallet and called the hotel landline to organize a car for him.

“Shit, she’s not at home,” Kabier said. “We checked all the rooms and the garden. Let me try and call her.”

“I have been calling her. Can you check if she’s with her friends?” Rajiv asked, entering the elevator.

“Mom, can you check with Raashi if Sheena’s with her or with the other one, Keya?” Kabier asked in the background, sounding as panicked as Rajiv felt.

The hotel car was waiting for him when he stepped on the porch. Fear left a metallic taste in his mouth as he sat in the driver’s seat. He started driving in the direction of Sheena’s home. God. Why had he waited for so long to check on her? He ought to have left his dinner engagement and gone to her the second he got the message informing him of Karan’s early release. How the hell was he going to find her now?

“Sheena is not with her friends, and she’s not at home either,” Kabier said. “Fuck, where the hell is she? Could she be coming to meet you?”

“No, she would have called me if she was coming to meet me.”

More noises filtered in through Kabier’s end.

“The guards are here; they saw her leave the main gate,” Kabier informed him. “They’re checking the streets.”

Suddenly, Rajiv remembered something vital. “Kabier, you have location tracking for her phone, right?”

“Fuck, yes. How could I have forgotten that? Hold on.” A moment later, Kabier said, “I’m sending you her live location. She’s at…fuck… Mom,” Kabier yelled. “Come see this. Isn’t this where the Sachdevas used to live in Mumbai?”

“Y…yes,” Sheena’s mom cried out. “Kabier, please…Please get her back. I need her safe.”

“The map shows her location is ten minutes from my home,” Kabier said. “She’s at the Sachdevas’ old residence. I have a friend in the police. I will call him and ensure he reaches there as well. I’ll meet you there.” Kabier spoke to someone at his end. “The guards outside say they saw her leave the gate about fifteen minutes back.”

Rajiv put the map on and pressed the accelerator.

“Wait, Kabier,” Rajiv said before Kabier could hang up. “Sheena would never go willingly with Karan. Why would she leave the house so late? She messaged me when she was home after her evening out with her friends. Why would she leave if she wasn’t coming to me?”

Kabier heaved out a breath. “The only reason I can think of is that she was mad at me. She came home and told me you had proposed to her. We got into a fight because I wouldn’t believe your intentions regarding her. She left the hall, and I saw her going to her room. I don’t know when and why she decided to step out of the house again.”

Anger erupted inside Rajiv. “Are you fucking telling me that she left the house because of you? I swear, Kabier, if anything happens to her, then I will kill you. Fuck. I never should have agreed to bring her back to India. At least, in Dubai, she was safe with me. I sure as fuck don’t need your permission to marry her, but she…she wanted to tell you about us personally. She wanted your blessing. She wanted to do this with you being happy for her, for us. And you… I can’t even… I don’t even know what to say to you. Sheena thinks the world of you, and now, thanks to you, she may be in trouble. I’m never going to forgive you for this.”

Rajiv disconnected the line, unable to bear listening to Sheena’s brother’s voice for a second more. His fear had become a live, palpable being that had grabbed his chest and was squeezing it harder with every second that ticked. God only knew what Sheena was going through. No, he wasn’t thinking that. She was strong. She was brave and fearless, and right now, he prayed that she was all that and more. He hoped she gathered all her courage and wit to fight that awful man.

He put more force on the accelerator, breaking a signal or two. He didn’t quite care at this point.

Kabier was calling him when he reached in front of the building.

“What?” Rajiv growled.

“Are you there?” Kabier asked, sounding contrite.

“Yes, I’m going to get her. Tell me the flat and floor number.”

Kabier relayed it to him.

“I am reaching in a few minutes,” Kabier said. “The police will be reaching soon, too.”