Page 61 of Temptation

“Sheena?” Rajiv asked, his heart tumbling. “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine too,” Navya said. She looked at the men behind Rajiv. “What is happening? Why did they only get me?”

“Because now that you’re free, Sheena Sehgal is going to be our bargaining chip with your brother,” Armaan interjected.

Navya spun around to face him. “Did it look like I was talking to you? No? Then shut the fuck up.”

Armaan’s lips twisted in a smile, his gaze running the length of her. Rajiv wanted to claw his eyes out.

“See, I told you the girls are fine,” Mihir said. “You can send your sister back to the city. Allow us to host you and yourgirlfriendfor a while longer.”

Navya’s eyes widened, but thankfully, she kept quiet. For his plan to work, these men had to believe that Sheena and he were together. A man stepped forward and handed Navya’s purse to her.

Rajiv bent to hug her. “I have a car waiting at the airport. Message me when you’re on the way home. And send the chopper back for me.”

“My man will drop her outside,” Mihir offered.

“Forgive me if I don’t trust you or your men,” Rajiv said.

Mihir held a remote out and pressed a button. Immediately, the black wall behind him became transparent, and Rajiv could see the entire helipad, along with his chopper, waiting on it.

Mihir arched a brow. Rajiv gave a nod to his sister, and Navya followed the man out.

A few minutes later, he exhaled a sigh of relief as the chopper took off with Navya.

He turned to the eldest Oshnov, who was studying him. Suddenly, the man stood.

“Let’s go see how happy yourgirlfriendis to see you,” Mihir said, his lips curving into a sinister smile.

Fuck. This was surely a test to check how Sheena reacted to him. Men like Mihir Oshnov didn’t accept deceit. If he was found lying, then their negotiation would take on a different tone. Or worse, they wouldn’t allow him to take Sheena back with him, which was absolutely unacceptable. He was not going to leave this vessel without her.

Rajiv stood, straightening his jacket. “By all means. Lead the way.”

He only hoped that after a month-long silence from him, Sheena wouldn’t reject what he was about to do next.


Sheena paced the length of the lounge, her heart plunging with every step she took. They say certain life or death situations change you as a person. Tonight was definitely one of those times for Sheena. For years, she had taken a back seat in her own life. She had allowed a single incident to define her. But no more. She promised herself that she would do better for herself. That she would trust her instincts more hereon. She’d known from the beginning that coming here tonight would be a mistake. Her gut had warned her several times. But, as usual, she had doubted herself. Never again. If she got out of this mess intact, she would learn to be kinder to herself. She’d already started developing a sense of purpose, and if she got out of here safely, then she would take the opportunity fate had handed her and learn as much as she could from her time at Poseidon. Once done, she’d return to India and join Sehgal Group. She would help people like she had always planned to.

Now, only if fate would be kind enough to allow her a second chance. She glanced at her watch, her panic rising. It had been ten minutes since they’d taken Navya away. For the last hour, the two of them had sat close together, not eating or drinking anything, simply waiting…for what, they didn’t know. Thankfully, their captors had left them alone until now. She wiped her sweaty palms on the skirt of her dress.

Ananya would have gotten in touch with Rajiv and Kabier, hopefully. What were they planning? How would they get them out of here? But first, where the hell was Navya? How dare they take her away and leave Sheena alone like this? Fear gave way to anger, and Sheena marched to the door.

She raised her hand to pound on the locked door when it swung open, and Rajiv walked inside. She shut her eyes. She was dreaming. That was the only answer to him being here. He was far, far away. A tear fell from her cheek. Such a cruel dream to have. How could he be here when she knew he was miles away in Europe? Her chest hurt. God. Even dreaming of him was painful. But she already knew that. She’d been dreaming of him for so long now.

A finger wiped her tear.

“Hello, Princess.”

Her eyes flicked open on hearing his deep, husky voice. She stared at him for a whole second before she threw herself into his arms. “You’re here. You’re really here. How? I thought… I thought…”

Fresh tears slipped down her cheeks.

He held her tighter. “I returned earlier this evening. You’re safe now. I swear, you’re safe.”

The door behind him shut and the key turned in the lock. His head lifted.

She looked at him. “Why have they locked you with me? Where’s Navya?”