Page 54 of Temptation

She took a deep breath, walking deeper amid the aisles of moored yachts and fancy boats, still unable to find the girls. Her instinct was warning her to walk away right now, but she ignored it. Once, a long time ago, she’d ignored the plea of a girl and had not gone with her. That had ended terribly for that girl. Now, however, she wasn’t going to make the same mistake with another friend, especially knowing that friend was embarking on something absolutely dangerous.

Turning a corner, she spotted the two girls standing behind a queue of people who were entering a massive four-storey yacht.

“You’re here.” Ananya gave her a wide grin and a hug. “I’m so glad.”

Sheena groaned. “Can I convince you to go to some nightclub instead, please?”

“Not a chance,” Ananya said. “But look at you. You look so hot. That golden color looks striking against your skin.”

“It sure does,” Navya concurred. “By the way, girls, that model isn’t answering her phone.”

Sheena smiled. “Okay, see, we are not meant to go inside.”

“Sheena, I swear, stop manifesting this negativity,” Ananya complained. She held each of their arms and walked them to the back of the queue. But instead of waiting there, she turned right and started walking down another aisle of moored yachts.

“What are we doing?” Sheena asked.

“Finding another way to enter,” Ananya said. “Our brother owns a shipping company, and this yacht was one of Poseidon’s, most definitely, which means we know the entrances and exits to these grand vessels like no other.”

“Breaking and entering is a crime,” Sheena murmured.

“We are not breaking, only entering,” Ananya clarified.

Oh God. This was way worse. They reached the end of the aisle that curved to the back of the grand yacht. It was completely dark in that area as they walked towards the steps that were jutting from the side of the yacht.

“Bingo!” Ananya exclaimed. “I knew the back entrance would be unmanned.”

“Why?” Sheena looked at the stairs and backed a step. “I would assume they’d be careful about their security and not have any entrance unguarded.”

“No one would dare to break in on the Oshnovs,” Navya declared.

“Except us three,” Sheena groused. “Girls, I really think…”

“Shh, enough, Sheena,” Ananya said, “We are so doing this. Come along now.”

Ananya hopped on to the first step and quickly climbed aboard. Navya followed. They both turned to stare at Sheena as she stood still on the marina, undecided about what she was going to do next.

“It’s now or never, babe,” Ananya prompted.

When Sheena still didn’t take the step, Ananya said, “Sheena, come with me.”

Come withme—three simple words. But they were enough to get Sheena going. She climbed the first rung and then the other until she was standing inside the yacht with her friends. It was dark in this section of the boat. However, the sounds of music and voices from afar clearly reached them.

“Let’s go,” Ananya said, confidently striding inside.

She opened a door, and they all entered what seemed to be a lounge room, set with a pool table, leather recliners and sofas, and a 100-inch TV on a wall. From there, she led them out to the side and climbed a few steps until they were on the main deck, right at the back near the washrooms. A group of women were crowded there. Ananya gave her a cocky smile as they perfectly blended into this crowd of well-dressed women.

They sauntered further onto the main deck, where the party was in full swing. Disco lights flashed around them, loud music surrounded them, and people of all nationalities mingled and danced together. Formally dressed waiters circulated drinks and appetizers. A bar in the corner served the most expensive alcohol available, the label of each bottle more exclusive than the next, she noted. This was luxury beyond imagination.

Sheena sneaked a glance at her friends as Ananya grabbed some champagne glasses from a passing waiter and handed it to them. Like her, the two girls were dressed in short and strappy party dresses. While Sheena wore a gold dress that flowed in an overlap skirt to her knees, Navya was in silver, and Ananya was dressed in royal blue.

They looked good, and the more they stood together in the corner observing everything, the more attention they were drawing upon themselves. At least, that’s what she thought, considering all the men who were looking at them. Her heart thundered. She’d thought her pulse would settle once they managed to get inside undetected, and they had. Yet her heart continued to beat at a rapid pace.

From her side, Ananya was staring up at the deck above them. Ananya took a step forward, still staring above. Sheena squinted. Was there someone on the deck? From where she was standing, she couldn’t make out who or what her friend was staring at.

Navya nudged Sheena with a shoulder. “Fancy, right? What do you think?”

“I think Ananya needs to find this man quickly before we get caught for trespassing. I really don’t have a good feeling about this.”