Page 106 of Playing By her Rules

Rohan pulled a strand of her red-tipped hair, caressing it in his fingers. “Did I tell you that I read all those fairy tales that you love so much?”

“You did? Why?”

“A very wise woman once said that even boys ought to read fairy tales. They teach us about the victory of good over evil and that sometimes, miracles can happen amidst chaos. You’re my miracle, Jiya.”

Joy filled her being.

“Besides, after you pushed me away,” Rohan said, “I decided to learn everything you liked. So, I started with the fairy tales. I think I likeThe Frog Princethe most. It made me realize that I was a frog.”

“What?” She giggled. “Seriously, you’re comparing yourself to a frog?”

“Yes. I was a frog, and then you kissed me. It took me a while, but I realized I’d found myself a beautiful princess, and to be worthy of her, I’d have to become the hero of her dreams, a prince she’d be proud of.”

“You are worthy in every way.”

Rohan smiled and continued, “In most of the fairy tales I read, the prince always rescues the princess. But in our story, the princess rescued the prince. You rescued me. You wrote our own fairy tale. Won’t that be a great story to tell our children someday?”

She threw her head back and laughed. She leaned forward and captured his lips with hers. She’d finally found her happiness, and it was beautiful.

“So, I have a wedding gift for you too,” she said. “It’s hanging in the den.”

He frowned. “What is it?”

“It’s the painting you bid on at your mom’s auction. The one with the lioness standing protectively in front of the lion. You see, I found out you’d bid for it and asked Aditya to counter-bid on it, except that he bought it in proxy…for me. That painting is significant, you know.”


“It was named ‘Playing by Her Rules’.”

He smiled, understanding her hint.

“And just like that lioness in that painting, I will always protect you.”

Now it was his turn to laugh out loud. And she loved it. She loved seeing him like this, carefree and so much at ease.

“You are magnificent,” Rohan took her hand, “Come on, let’s return outside. Your sister is getting impatient. Let’s not upset her anymore. She’s already mad because we arrived late for our own wedding.”

Jiya wrinkled her nose. “And whose fault was that?”

Rohan shrugged, looking unrepentant that thanks to him, the events of their whole day had been pushed back by a few hours.

Since he’d refused to be parted from her for even a single night, she’d woken up on her wedding day in his bed with him making love to her. Which meant it was already late by the time they’d actually gotten dressed and reached the temple for the ceremony. And thus, they were late for their own reception as well.

Rohan leaned forward and kissed her lips. When he took her hand, she halted him. “Wait.”

“What is it?”

“My lipstick is spread on your lips.” She lifted a finger to wipe it, and he stilled her hand.

“I want the world to know I’ve kissed the woman I love.”

She shook her head. “You’re mad.”

“Mad about you, yes.”

She wiped the corner of his lips. Xerxes grunted, and she stroked his nose and promised to meet him later.

Finally, linking her hand in Rohan’s, they walked out into the sunlight and to their waiting family and friends.