“Men!” Shauna clucked her tongue. “See, Jiya could only be with a man who follows her unwritten rules for a relationship.”
“I didn’t know you had rules,” Akash said.
Jiya glared at Shauna.
“What? Don’t get mad at me because I know you so well,” Shauna said.
“And what are those rules?” Akash asked.
“He has to get along with the people Jiya loves; he has to socialize with Jiya’s group of friends and has to trust them; he has to keep no secrets from her; and finally, he has to be madly in love with Jiya. Did I get them right, Jiya?”
Jiya smiled at Shauna. Her friend knew her too well. But to think Rohan had actually understood what she’d wanted from him, and was following her unwritten rules was too much to comprehend.
Akash rolled his eyes. “Damn, Jee. Rohan made up with Raashi and Keya for you. He threw this party and is socializing with your friends tonight. He’s also opened up about his past to others, which means he trusts them; that’s another one of your rules ticked off. And as far love is concerned, I think we all know… Hang on; you need to see this.”
Akash pulled out his phone and handed it to Jiya. Jiya’s eyes widened as she scanned through the links to various magazine and video articles. They were from Times, Forbes, Fortune, and others, all not more than two to three days old. Rohan had given an interview with them all. Her heart pounded with the enormity of what he’d done. He had finally stepped out of the box he’d locked himself in. He’d stopped hiding. He was putting his trust in the world and letting people in.
She scanned through the written articles first. Rohan had spoken ardently of his work and his horses. The article also showed a picture of Rohan standing with Xerxes. Her heart flipped.
Subconsciously, she traced his image with a finger. He looked calm and self-assured, and she was so happy to see him like that. She scrolled through the final interview, a video article from Vogue…Vogue?! Raashi and Shauna crowded around her as she hit play. He was sitting on a couch in front of a lady interviewer.
“Mr. Bali, you’re known to be quite a recluse. But this week, everywhere we look, it has been all about you. Any particular reason you broke your self-imposed no-interview rule?”
Rohan laughed. “It was high time, and someone special told me I’d never be genuinely happy unless I didn’t open up. I’m trying to follow those wise words.”
A tremor shot down her spine. Rohan actually remembered her words. She’d told this to him at one time. She looked back at the phone screen.
The woman gave him a cheeky smile. “Is that special someone a woman?”
“Yes. She knows who she is. She’s a little mad at me right now, but hopefully, she won’t be for long. I made a mistake with her, and I’m willing to do anything to correct it if only she gave me a chance to.”
“Are you saying you are in love?”
Jiya’s heart was bursting. Rohan had admitted that he was in love with her in a video interview. He was trying to change. For her. He’d understood what she wanted from him and was giving it to her, without her voicing it out loud.
“Holy hell!” Raashi cursed. “That was so romantic. Nice.”
“Very nice,” Shauna concurred.
Raashi’s gaze swept past Jiya. “Oh, look, Aditya is here.”
Akash frowned. “I can’t believe Rohan would invite his competition.”
“He didn’t,” Raashi said. “Aisha did.”
Raashi looked at Jiya. “It’s time to stop waiting and act, little sister. What are you going to do?”
Jiya stared at Aditya. He looked dapper, dressed in a dark brown jacket and casual trousers. He waved at her from afar and blew her a kiss. She gave him a wide smile. She turned and looked at Rohan. He was watching her, as usual, but his expression was stiff. For sure, he’d seen Aditya blowing a kiss her way.
“So, Jee, whatareyou going to do?” Akash asked.
She stared at the two men, one of whom was her destiny. It was time to act and claim him once and for all. No more games. No more running in circles. No more waiting.
Jiya lifted her jaw. “Go big or go home, right?”
Akash nodded.