Rohan Bali was thus an enigma, which made him all the more intriguing. She checked the flight schedule again. Twenty-seven minutes remained for her to board, which meant she had to think clearly about what personal question she wanted to ask him. And whether she wanted to take their mutual interest a step further or not.

Rohan returned to sit in front of her.

“So, can I ask you that question now?” she asked him.

“Before that,” he began, “I have a job offer that I’d like you to consider.”

She rocked back. “You’re offering me a job?! Why?”

“I’m not sure if you’re aware, but a couple of years ago, I started an investment firm, Fortuna Finance. We are still very nascent, but we have a good team that could use some fresh blood. There’s a position of Finance Manager open on my team, and I’d like you to consider it. Of course, it would mean you will go through a more formal round of interviews. And if you get the job, you’d have to move to Delhi.”

Her mouth opened and closed.

“Whoa. I wasn’t expecting that.” She shook her head. “Living in Delhi?! I haven’t lived anywhere in India other than Mumbai.”

“Why? Shifting cities could give you a new outlook towards life. It will also help you move out of your sister’s shadow.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Rohan, the thing you ought to know about me is that I am no one’s shadow. I am my own person, and I decide my life on my terms.”

He lifted his jaw. “Good. Then this offer ought to be easy for you to consider.”

She studied him for a long moment. She’d just about met him, and he was offering her a job? It was a whole lot crazy and a tad funny, to be honest. In the space of a few hours, she’d gone from having a job to quitting the said job and now to be offered another job, in Delhi no less. Talk about fate spinning you off your axis.

“Okay, tell me about this offer, in brief. I have to catch my flight in…” She looked at the screen to her left. “…twenty minutes now.”

“So, basically, I need someone who works under the CFO but reports directly to him and me.”

He explained the job profile for several minutes to her, and she listened. She asked him a few pertinent questions about the job, which he answered patiently. She switched to discussing more specifics, and her eyes widened when he told her the rough salary bracket she’d be starting with. Good God. He was giving her a seventy percent hike from her previous job without even knowing how much she earned there, and he’d give her a place to stay as well.

Bloody hell and damnation! His offer already sounded tempting.

She rose, gathering her camel-colored overcoat. “My flight’s been called.”

He looked at the screen too. “Mine as well.”

He stood, lifting his own coat from the chair. He came closer, and this time, he was the one who gave her a quick hug and a peck on her cheek. A shiver cascaded down her spine, and her skin tingled from where his lips touched her cheek.

She swallowed, refusing to show her reaction to him.

“So, what do you think?” he asked after releasing her. “Will you consider it?”

She shrugged, avoiding any excitement from creeping up in her voice. “I will think about it. Give me your number. I’ll text you when I have a more definitive reply.”

They exchanged numbers quickly.

“Have a safe journey, Jiya. You have a long flight back home to think about my offer.”

“Wait, I didn’t get a chance to ask you that question.”

“Apply for this job, and perhaps you will.”

A corner of his lips lifted up.

Fuck. It made him look hotter. This man ought to smile more often. His little smiles were bewitching. God help her if and when she saw him laugh…fully. Uninhibitedly. And if she did apply and got selected for the job at his firm, she’d probably get to experience his smiles and perhaps even explore this attraction between them. Maybe even ask him that question she wanted to. A question that was way too personal, but would give her an insight into what he actually felt about her.

That was definitely something worth considering.

Walking in the opposite direction from him, she smiled. With all that she had to consider, professional and personal, this one was going to be a long flight indeed.