“Jiya, please,” Shauna scoffed. “Nirvaan doesn’t know how to have a good time. He’s boring.”

Nirvaan scowled. “My idea and yours of having a good time are vastly different. It doesn’t make me boring.”

Shauna laughed. “Well, brother-in-law, luckily for me and unluckily for you, your wife gave me the freedom to kidnap you and take you to a nightclub.”

Nirvaan made a disgusted face. He was like Rohan in that way. Nightclubs weren’t particularly their scene.

Jiya turned to Rohan. “Why don’t you join us as well? I know Akash will. We’re going to Qubbani. It’s only one level below.”

She spoke to him so casually, like she wasn’t even affected that he was here. It was as if she’d forgotten that she and he had a thing together. As if they hadn’t spent many a night with their mouths fused and their bodies entwined.

She was acting so serene when he was feeling anything but calm. His mind was a mess dealing with all the questions popping up. What was going on between Aditya and her? Was it serious? Was he the reason she’d forgotten him so quickly? Had Aditya touched her? Had he made love… Fuck. Even the thought of that was abhorrent. Revolting.

“What say, Mr. Bali?” Jiya asked boldly. “Will you join us?”

He hated the formal way in which she addressed him now. But he was the one to be blamed for that. Not her. Never her.

“Join us where?” Aditya asked, coming to stand next to Jiya.

Her whole face lit up in a smile. A smile that she used to bestow on Rohan at one time. He hated that her face was no longer shining for him, but for another man.

Aditya shook hands with Akash and Nirvaan first before holding his hand out to Rohan. They shook hands, acknowledging one another with a nod. Although, he and Aditya had been acquainted for years, they weren’t friends. Rithwik was the only common factor in their lives. Aditya shifted closer to Jiya and put an arm around her waist. Rohan’s anger accelerated.

“So, what’s the plan?” Aditya asked Jiya. “Where are we going?”

“We’re convincing these guys to join us at Qubbani,” Jiya replied. “Shauna’s been raving about it since when. In fact, Sameer’s been after me to visit it too. As per him, Qubbani is now the prime nightclub in the Sehgal chain in India.”

“Hey, you all go ahead,” Nirvaan said. “We’ll join in a bit.”

“You better,” Shauna said. “Else, I’ll come and fetch you myself.”

“Hey, Shauna,” Akash said. Mischief trickled from his eyes. “You didn’t ask me to come. Is there a problem?”

“Why would I have a problem with you joining us?” Shauna retorted. She flicked her long hair back and marched forward, with Akash following her, egging her on. Shauna glared at him, but he winked at her instead. Whoa! What was going on there?

Before he could ponder more on that, Jiya spoke up, “Try and come if you can. No pressure, though.”

“Let’s first wait for the auction results,” Aditya said. “See, Aunty Tara, is headed to declare the winners.”

They all turned to watch as his mother stepped on a small dais. She began to announce the winning bids for every painting until she came to the painting Rohan had bid on. Rohan was pretty confident he’d win it. He’d bid double the price from the one mentioned on its tag.

“And now, we come to the last and our most prized painting for tonight, of the two lions—calledPlaying by Her Rules. You see, in a pride of lions, a lioness is a better hunter, and she’s quite protective in nature. In this painting, it looks like she’s protecting the lion, her king. And the king knows he’ll always benefitifhe plays by her rules…”

Everyone laughed at his mother’s words. She went on to describe the artist and his credentials before looking into the card her assistant handed to her. She smiled before speaking. “I’m very pleased to announce that this painting has gone to someone very special. Aditya Wahi, congratulations. This painting now belongs to you.”

A loud applause rang out. Rohan blinked, unable to believe it. The one painting he’d wanted was won by Aditya?! He watched as Jiya rose on her toes and kissed Aditya’s cheek. Jiya laughed and wiped her lipstick from his cheek, and Rohan felt his blood rage. This was a thing between Rohan and her, not between her and another man. Aditya went to the dais and accepted the painting’s receipt from Rohan’s mother.

Rohan’s blood was boiling by the time Aditya returned to them.

“See, babe,” Aditya addressed Jiya, “I told you I’d win. Now, let’s go celebrate.”

Babe? Rohan hated that endearment instantly. He hated the man using it for Jiya. In front of him, Jiya smiled and waved at Nirvaan and him before leaving them.

While Nirvaan nodded at her, Rohan kept silent. He watched her walk away with Aditya. A little distance ahead, Aditya took her hand in his and kissed the top of it. Jiya gave Aditya a sweet smile, and something inside of Rohan broke. He was losing her. No. He’d already lost her…because of his own actions.

Rohan stared at her. Her eyes sparkled brightly. She stood taller, looked hotter, seemed bolder, and oozed confidence. Her attitude screamed, ‘To hell with the world.’ Damn, it was so bloody appealing. At one time, all that attitude and her smiles were for him. But now, they were directed elsewhere—on another man.

He couldn’t tolerate it. Not one bit. Rohan cursed himself. He hadn’t been able to tolerate seeing Akash with her at one time, and Akash had only ever been her friend. Thinking that Jiya ought to be with another man was easy; living that reality was fucking hard and painful.