“Have you seen anything you’d like to bid for?” his mom asked.

“Not yet,” Rohan said.

“Hmm,” she mumbled. She took him around the hall, and although several people smiled at her, she didn’t pay them any attention. Her whole focus was on him.

“So,” she began, “You butchered your relationship with Jiya.”

“Mom!” he spluttered.

Damn! He hadn’t expected her to say that.

She splayed a hand out. “What? It’s the truth, and I say it as it is, my boy. To be honest, when I heard this, I was more worried about Jiya than about you. You’ve always been very indifferent to the women in your life. Luckily, Jiya also doesn’t seem too affected by your break up. Both of you seemed to have moved on from one another quite easily. Guess it wasn’t as special as I hoped it would be.”

He blinked. “Gosh! Is there anything you don’t know?”

She gave him a pointed look. “Janak is a friend, and Jiya confides in him. Of course, he’d tell us something as important as this. At least, this way, we found out. Knowing you, you’d never have told us anything.”

His parents knew, which meant many more people knew about Jiya and him. Rithwik? Fuck. Rithwik was going to rip him apart when he found out, that is, if he didn’t know it already by now. But then, why hadn’t he called him?

They meandered down the walkway inside the roped section of the room. His mother paused in front of a painting. It was a beautiful depiction of a lioness standing protectively in front of the lion—a king and his queen, the queen strategically painted in front of the king against a brilliant backdrop of greenery and sunlight. The art was stunning. He checked the starting price of it, the price others had bid on, and wrote his own bid on the notepad.

“That’s a good choice.” His mom smiled. They walked forward again. “Anyway, what I wanted to say was that I’m rather disheartened. After the gala, I’d kept my hopes up regarding Jiya and you. Nonetheless, I don’t blame either of you for wanting different things in life. She’s young, vibrant and social, and you’re none of that. Perhaps, it’s for the best that you two split up. In the end, you wouldn’t have been able to give her what she needs.”

A tight lump formed in his throat. His mother was right. He and Jiya were different, but none of those differences had mattered to him when they were together. He and she had fit like two pieces in a puzzle. His reasons for leaving her had nothing to do with them being different people.

A lady intercepted his mother, and she stopped to talk to her guest. Rohan acknowledged the older woman with a nod.

Suddenly, his heart stopped before it started beating loudly and vigorously. He looked to the side. Jiya was entering the hall with Shauna.

Dressed in a sexy purple bustier dress that fitted her curves and ended a few inches below her knees, her hair tied in a loose twist at her nape, and her lips painted a bold red, she looked hot. Sexy.

Fuck. Since when did Jiya wear red lipstick? She’d told him once she wouldn’t wear red on her lips when she was with him because he always ruined her lipstick while kissing her. But now… Fuck, he wouldn’t be kissing her.

The red on her mouth, teamed with her subtle makeup and that dark purple dress, made her look like sin. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She scanned the ballroom, pausing on him for less than a second before she looked away and guided her friend in the opposite direction. His stomach swooped and fell. She’d dismissed him so easily like he was of no consequence to her…at all. And that hurt. It bloody hurt.

His mom touched his arm, leading him forward down the carpeted aisle. She tipped her head in Jiya’s direction. She and Shauna were checking out the artwork on the far side of him.

“I like Jiya,” his mom said, oblivious to the way his heart was rioting. “I hope you don’t mind that I invited her tonight. Of course, Akash and Shauna are there to give her company, so you definitely don’t need to be around her if you don’t wish to.”

His eyes returned to Jiya. She was standing in front of the painting he had bid on. She studied it for a long moment and then moved forward. He sighed. He’d chosen his path to walk on, and he’d have to deal with being in the same spaces as her. Tonight was one such occasion.

Rithwik was already planning Aisha’s birthday. Rohan would have to attend, and of course, Jiya would be there. He had to talk to Rithwik about Jiya and him. He knew his brother would be furious, but that was a price Rohan had to pay.

He took a sip of his whiskey. “It’s fine, Mom. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Your dad is calling me.” His mother stopped and kissed his cheek. “Try and have some fun tonight.”

She squeezed his arm. “One more thing. Rithwik doesn’t know anything about Jiya and you. You can rest assured that you won’t get into a spat with him. It’s up to you whether you tell him or not.”

His heart warmed. She knew. His mom knew every single time what he was thinking and worrying about. He gave her a nod. She left him to go to his dad. He turned and found Jiya and Shauna engaged in a discussion with a couple. He downed his drink and went straight to the bar, where he ordered a refill for himself.

“Drinking all by yourself?”

Rohan’s lips curved as he looked sideways. Nirvaan was standing by his side, a big smile on his face. Rohan drew him in a quick hug.

“Nirvaan! It’s been a while,” Rohan said.

“Yes, it has,” Nirvaan said. “Rhea is getting closer to her due date, and I’ve wanted to be around her. I couldn’t miss your Mom’s function, though.”