“I like the feel of a paperback in my hand. The smell of books is irreplaceable.”

She liked his old-fashioned thinking and appreciated how he was sharing these little insights with her.

She spotted a shelf with children’s books for Rithwik’s kids, she assumed.

She ran her fingers over the brightly colored spines. “You have so many children’s books, but no fairy tales.”


“Every book rack ought to have fairy tales.”

“Of course, you’d say that. You are a big believer in romances and fairy tales, after all!”

“I am! After we lost our parents, Raashi bought me a whole lot of fairy tales and taught me that life can be good and happy. She’s the reason I believe in them.”

“You’re quite close to her.”

“Well, we have our differences, but she means the world to me.”

He nodded. “As of now, only Rithwik’s son, Arnav, comes here. I’ll get some fairy tales for Raisa when she is older.”

Jiya laughed. “What makes you think only girls should read fairy tales? Even boys can read them. They teach us about the victory of good over evil and that sometimes, miracles can happen even amidst the greatest chaos.”

His lips quirked. “Alright then, I’ll get them soon.”

Her eyes fell on another section of colorful books. “Oh my God, you have a whole romance section! Don’t tell me that you secretly read romances too?”

He chuckled. “Of course not, but my mother comes to stay once in a while, and so does Aisha, and they like their romances. This section is always kept updated with their favorite authors.”

She smiled. “You’re close to them, aren’t you? Your mom and Aisha.”

“Yes. I don’t trust people easily, but I trust them.”

“Apart from your dad and Rithwik, that is.”

“And Nirvaan.”

She nodded. What had happened to him that he’d lost his trust in the rest of the world then? She thought of those pictures of him as a teen, the ones in which he looked distraught.

“I’m sorry, Rohan, about earlier. I shouldn’t have commented on your pictures the way I did. I hate that I reminded you of something you clearly didn’t want to think of.”

Silence fell around them again. He was studying her quietly, and she couldn’t help but regret bringing up that topic again. Perhaps, she ought to have remained quiet about it.

“You were right, you know…” he said very softly. “I do look miserable in those photos. Maybe that’s because I wasn’t really happy most of my growing years. Not until Tara and Varun took me in.”

“Why?” she asked, unable to help herself.

“My parents—my birth parents, Vaibhav and Diksha—were too busy partying, socializing, and holidaying to ever have time for me. They were a page 3 couple who liked living in the limelight. They weren’t suited to parenting, and I always felt like I was a responsibility that neither of them wanted.”

Her heart clenched with sorrow, knowing he’d felt unwanted by his own parents. “I’m so sorry you went through that.”

He shrugged. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy growing up with them. There was always some event happening at home. Their friends were always hanging around. They were an important couple in the Delhi social circuit, and they loved the adulation and adoration that came with being as rich as they were. During my years living with them, I’ve seen and heard things no child ever ought to.”

He looked in the distance, his face sad as if he were reliving that time. Her chest caved in, thinking of all the pain he’d been through. Janak had told her he’d had a rough time growing up, but now she was figuring out how bad it had been. She ached to question him more. To ask him what he’d seen and heard that had defined his life in such a way. But she remained silent. He was opening up to her, and she didn’t want to say anything that would make him stop talking.

“But then, they died in a car accident, and everything changed,” Rohan said. “Tara and Varun took me in and altered my perception of what a family ought to be. Rithwik and I have had a tumultuous relationship over the years. But I’m glad we’ve sorted everything out now. He’s my anchor, and I’d like to think that despite his numerous close friendships, I am his too.”

“You are. I’m sure.”