“How did you know?”

“I’ve noted you watching him. I’ve seen how he watches you, like he can’t help himself. Rohan is known to be cold and hard. He never ever shows his emotions. The only exception I’ve seen to this is when he is looking at you.”

Her heart felt like it would burst out of her ribcage.

“I’m sure it’s not like that,” she said weakly.

“It is, and Jiya, you know what I’m talking about so don’t pretend otherwise. It’s okay to like him. I’m not judging you.”

Her heart warmed. He really was a good friend. “Thanks, Akash.”

He shrugged. “I had a feeling Rohan was with you because he left his seat very soon after you did.”

“What did you tell Janak?”

They began to head to the restaurant.

“Since you’d left your phone behind, I said that you must have met someone you know.”

“Oh God. I can’t believe I got carried away with him like that.”

Akash paused. “Just remember, Jiya, he’s not the forever kind of man. So, if you’re going to be in a relationship with him, then go in with your eyes open.”

She nodded. Rohan had told her the exact same thing.

When they reached their table, she repeated Akash’s excuse to the two older gentlemen as she took her seat.

She looked up, and Rohan’s table was vacant. He and Kanika had already left. She was glad about that. The thought of that woman making a play for him just after he had kissed Jiya would have been unacceptable. The thought that Kanika could have gone home with Rohan stung even worse, especially after what Jiya had shared with him. No. She didn’t believe he’d have taken Kanika home, not after kissing Jiya the way he had. She had to believe that, else she’d go insane.

For the remainder of their meal, while she smiled and gave the appropriate responses, her mind was with Rohan and the volatile situation they had between them. She barely knew him. She didn’t even know where he lived or what color he preferred, or what food he liked. She only knew that his quiet was a perfect balance to her noise and chaos. She felt…she felt absolutely wonderful when she was with him. Like he lit her world up, and she wanted to explore that feeling, despite the unanswered questions between them, of which there were so many.

Where did they go from here? Would they take their explosive chemistry forward, or would he ignore her again and pretend he’d felt nothing? But then, why had he continued to kiss her in front of Akash like he had? Akash interrupting them hadn’t concerned Rohan in the least. He’d continued to plunder her mouth, uncaring that her friend was right there. He was so damn confusing.

There hadn’t been many men in her life prior to Rohan. She’d fooled around with a couple, but none had caught her attention. None had excited her enough to want to take the next step forward and actually give herself to them. She wasn’t a prude by any means. It was just that none of those men had captured her attention the way Rohan had.

Being with him was like riding a rollercoaster. She never knew what to expect from him. The only thing she was certain of was the way he made her feel—like she was a ball of aching need that only he could satisfy.

What remained to be seen was how hot they actually burned when they finally came together, if they reached that point.


Horse racing ran in his blood; his grandfather had ensured it. He’d brought him to the races since Rohan was a toddler, and now horses, breeding, and racing were an intrinsic part of his life. The energy here at the races was always something different. This afternoon, the sun was shining brightly, the skies were clear, and the weather was not as chilly as the previous days. It was just perfect for Fortuna Derby. The air was abuzz with expectation and gaiety.

Well-dressed men and women, sipping cold champagne, mingled with one another. Their clothes were elaborate and formal, the headgear of the women even more so. Most of the women wore fancy hats or fascinators. Thousands of people from all over attended this prestigious race. Here was where the rich and the not-so-rich presented the best of themselves to the world.

Rohan stood in his private enclosure on the first floor of the Athena Race Course in Delhi, looking into the green race track. All around and below him, the stands were packed, the anticipation high as people placed bets on their selected horses and waited for the races to commence. Food and alcohol flowed freely, adding to the excitement.

Thank God he owned a private box; else, the crowds and the noises would have driven him insane by now. Big crowds always made him feel even lonelier than usual. They made him anxious, and he had to spend several moments deep breathing until his heart rate settled. It wasn’t like that for most people. Most people were normal, but unfortunately, he wasn’t like them.

Over the years, his mom, Tara, had insisted he seek help from a therapist to help him navigate social situations. Her efforts had paid off, and he was way better. But he had days when he was stressed, and the anxiety would act up. On those days, his breathing exercises helped. Luckily, today was not that bad a day. Today, thankfully, his excitement kept all his other emotions at bay.

Today was extra special. His horse Xerxes would be running his first race ever, and Rohan had his hopes set on him winning it. Xerxes had been training for this moment since his birth. Rohan smiled, thinking of his favorite horse.

Horses like Xerxes were a rarity, his lineage par excellence. Both his parents had been prized racehorses from Rohan’s own stables. Thus, he was born agile and swift. Xerxes was afraid of nothing and no one. He was one of those horses who lived to run. Rohan adored his spirit.

Winning Fortuna Derby would be just a start. If he won today, then Rohan would enter him in the Mumbai and Pune derbies as well. His gut told him that this horse had the potential to become one of the greatest racehorses in India—if not the world. But that was for later; right now, he wanted to experience the thrill of seeing Xerxes win this special race, one which his family had been sponsoring since his grandfather’s time.

A hand caught his elbow. “It’s a full house today.”