“Rohan offered you a job?” Nirvaan asked. “When? In London?”

Raashi’s whole body tensed. “Why the hell were you in London withhim? When were you in London with him? And why do I not know about it?”

“Okay, this just went next level,” Shauna whispered loud enough for the gathering to hear. “Oh my God! Is this what you wanted to tell us?”

Both Jiya and Raashi swung around to face her.

“Be quiet,” they both told her at the same time.

Shauna slapped her hand over her mouth.

Raashi faced Jiya. “Answer me.”

“I met him at the London airport; I had a layover there.”

“And he offered you a job. Why?”

“Perhaps, because, unlike you, he actually thinks I’m a sane and capable person.”

“I knew it. I knew it the moment you entered that something was up.”

“Rohan’s only offered me a job. Don’t behave like it’s the end of the world.”

Raashi shook her head. “That guy always has a hidden agenda. ALWAYS. He’s secretive and a loner. He never lets anyone in. Not even those closest to him are privy to his secrets. They’re not even privy to what’s going on in his head. Ask Nirvaan; he’ll agree with me.”

Nirvaan nodded quietly.

Raashi continued. “And that’s why I don’t trust him—why Keya and I have both never trusted him. So, this is what’s going to happen, Jiya. You’re going to message him or call him—I’m pretty certain you have his number by now—and youwilltell him that you reject his offer. After that, I don’t want you to meet him again, ever. Given that you already have a crush on him, I don’t want you even taking his name again.”

“No,No, and NO.”

Being a recluse and secretive was not necessarily a bad thing. So what if he didn’t like sharing intimate details of his life?! That didn’t make Rohan a bad person. And from whatever Jiya had seen of him, he didn’t come across as a vile human. In fact, she knew it in her gut that he wasn’t bad.

“What do you mean no?” Raashi yelled.

“What the hell is going on over here?” Sameer’s loud voice stopped Jiya from responding. “I leave for a few Goddamned minutes, and you two are at each other’s throats again. And the rest of you are all watching like it’s a fun TV show?”

“I’m not sure what you expect us to do,” his grandfather replied. “It’s not like either of them will listen.”

“They fight all the time,” Shauna muttered. “None of us is getting in between that, like ever.”

Sameer crossed his arms over his chest and faced his wife. “What has happened?”

Raashi updated him on everything.

To Jiya, Sameer asked, “What do you want to do?”

“I’m not sure yet. I may want to try for it.” She looked at her furious sister. “As of now, the thought of moving to Delhi looks very appealing.”

“Hear that?! She can’t move to…” Raashi began.

Sameer gave Raashi a glance, and she quietened.

He went to Jiya and held her shoulders. “Your sister means well. She loves you and worries about you. Hence, take this job only if you think it’s right for you and not because you want to rebel against your sister.”

Raashi gasped. “Sameer, how can you… You know how Rohan is… I can’t even…”

Raashi stormed out of the living room and hurried up the stairs.