He spun in a slow circle. “I’m perfect, as always. You tell me, what’s new with you? Any young man caught your fancy yet?”

She giggled. “Um…maybe.”

His old eyes widened. “Really? Who?”

“What are you two talking about?” Raashi said, coming to Janak and her. She hugged Janak, and he, in turn, kissed her forehead as well.

“Janak and I were just catching up,” Jiya said naughtily.

Raashi squinted her eyes. “I know you, and I know something is up.” To Janak, she said. “Do you know she was to come three days later?”

Janak touched Raashi’s arm. “You need to calm down. Jiya’s a big girl. She can handle whatever comes her way.”

“Yeah, tell her, Janak,” Jiya cheered on. “She needs to hear this more often. She has two kids to look after, yet she’s always meddling in my life.”

Raashi glared at her.

“Now, now, girls,” Janak interjected, putting an arm around each of them. “I want no fighting between you two tonight. I want only happy smiles and laughter. Understood?”

They both nodded, and together, they walked inside the living room where everyone else was waiting.

Dinner continued as a pleasant affair, with happy conversation flowing between them all. They all had too many people in common, and finding out and getting updated on what everyone in their circle was up to was refreshing and entertaining at the same time. But now, dinner was done, the tots put to bed, and soon it would be time for everyone to leave.

“So, Jiya,” Raashi began. “You didn’t tell us why you returned from your conference early…”

Jiya studied her sister for a moment. She had to tell her sister about her job. Perhaps, it would be better to inform all of them at the same time rather than tell each of them individually. Raashi wouldn’t react very well to the news, she was certain, but at times there was no option than to just rip the Band-Aid off.

“I quit my job,” Jiya announced.

“You QUIT? And they let you?” Raashi said loudly, jumping to her feet. “I’m sure you must’ve done something.”

Conversations around them halted, and all eyes were focused on the two of them.

Jiya sighed. “Why would you assumeIdid something?”

“Because I know you. You are wild, impulsive, and reckless to the core.”

“Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence, sister.”

A wail erupted from the baby monitor. One of the twins was up. Raashi exchanged a glance with her husband.

Sameer stood. “I’ll be back in a bit. Rhea, Shauna, make sure they don’t kill each other.”

“Sure,” Rhea said with a wicked smile.

“This will be fun,” Shauna mumbled the second Sameer was out of earshot.

They all had witnessed Raashi and Jiya get into verbal spats, and each time, their battles just got worse.

Raashi glared at Shauna first, and then her full attention was on Jiya. “You need to grow up and start acting like an adult. First, you quit your job at J P Morgan and return to India without even discussing it with me, and now you do something irresponsible like this.”

Jiya fumed. “Excuse me for wanting to live in Mumbai, to be close to the people I care about.”

“Girls…” Janak began.

“No, please stay out of this, Janak,” Raashi said. “She’s become far too wild and thinks she can do whatever she wants.”

Jiya threw her hands in the air. “You’ve not even cared to ask me why I quit.”