Page 51 of Love by Design

“Yep, that’s the backup plan.”

“I got news for you, Suzy. The backup plan is about to become the only plan, because I don’t think this baby’s gonna hold.”

“Have faith,” Susan said. As if to prove her point, she gingerly sat on the bed. “See?”

“You do realize that you’ve got the obligatory ten Christmas pounds to get past, too?”

Susan stood up, her arms flying out in front of her to keep her steady.

“One party at a time. Let’s get past this, and then I’ll worry about the next big dinner.”

Dakota shook her head. “Let’s go.”

The party for the newly revamped Belle Cove was a resounding success. Several travel-magazine reporters were on hand to ask questions about the renovations, what was ahead for the Montagues and about the company responsible for the new design. Dakota discussed the remodels and what they entailed. She announced the naming of the individual villas and her inspiration to give each a theme.

“We now have the Moonstone, Sunstone, Water Lily, Poinciana, Hibiscus and the Grande Belle. Each unique in theme and features.” The columnists perked up when one asked point-blank if Dakota was dating the heir to the Montague fortune.

“Great,” she whispered to Logan at dinner. “Now people will think I slept my way into my job.”

“I can go on record to verify that’s not the case,” he whispered in her ear. “But then again, we should probably test that theory, don’t you think?”

He looked so handsome in his suit that she actually found herself staring. “I agree. We should.”

That got Logan’s undivided attention. He turned to Dakota. “What did you just say?”

“I recommended that we test a few theories.”

Logan stood up and held his hand out to Dakota. His fingers closed tightly around hers. He bid his parents and their friends and family good-night before escorting Dakota away from the group. They walked the lit path to the Grande Belle.

“I can’t believe we just up and left like that.”

“They’ll have a great time without us, and I want you all to myself. I can’t lie and say that my intentions aren’t to make love to you. That’s the plan, but only if you’re sure about it—about us. So what do you say, Koty? Are you ready to be with me?”

Dakota could not think of one reason to delay the inevitable. “Yes, Logan, I am.”

Dakota had poured her soul into renovating Belle Cove. It was too regal to begin with, but she had added an ease of being that was not there before. There were little touches everywhere that invited someone to envelop themselves in the simple pleasures derived from clean lines, minimalistic decor and relaxing palettes. The redesigned villas were the most fun for her. The Grande Belle was designed specifically with the Montagues in mind.

Richly appointed hardwood furniture with neutral fabric replaced the leather sofas and chairs, and bright splashes of color like kiwi, mango and marigold on the accent pillows brightened the room. She also used artwork, rugs and flowers to make the large cottage comfortable, yet elegant.

She followed Logan through the front door and skidded to a halt beside him. The first floor was aglow with candlelight and vases of tropical flowers. She gazed around the room. “Logan, how’d you—”

“There’s more,” he said, leading her to the backyard. Lit candles cast a soft, luminous glow over the pool water and surrounding garden. Soft music piped through outside speakers. The lush trees and bushes engulfed them in total privacy.

Dakota walked over to the table. “Beluga caviar and a bottle of Dom Pérignon? Logan, what is all this?”

He smiled and opened the bottle. After pouring a flute, he handed it to her. “It’s for you. Besides, we’re in James Bond territory, so why not indulge?” He raised his glass. “To you, Dakota. You breathed life back into Belle Cove, like I knew you would. I can’t wait for you to do the same at Belle Island and Belle Key.”

“It’s your vision, Logan. I merely helped it along.”

“You did much more than that,” he said solemnly. “You…you let me back in. You forgave me.” He caressed her cheek. “I’ve been intrigued, mesmerized and flat out in love with your fearlessness to try new things, your ability to see beyond what’s in front of you and to embrace life despite your tragic losses. You enhance the lives of everyone you encounter, Dakota.” He held up his glass. “I’m just honored that you’re in mine.”

She touched her glass to his. “Cheers.”

“Cheers,” he replied.