Page 44 of Love by Design

They landed an hour later, touching down safely.

“That is singularly the most fun I’ve had in I don’t know how long.”

“I’m glad I was here to witness such frivolous behavior.”

“Are you kidding? If it weren’t for you, I would have been sitting at home catching up on television shows and eating leftovers.”

“I can’t do much about your TiVo lineup, but I can definitely help in the food department. We have dinner reservations for Roka Akor—if you’re up for it,” he added.

“Sounds intriguing, and I’ve never been.”

“Then you’re in for a treat,” he said, helping her into his SUV.

“Are you kidding? I’ve had two today. The private balloon ride with champagne, and the wonderful feeling of not having a care in the world. You gave those to me, Logan, and I’m very grateful to you for it.”

He raised her hand and gently brushed her skin with his lips.

“Koty, I wish I could bring you that feeling every single day.”

Chapter 12

“You sound like you’re about to lose your mind,” Susan commented the moment she heard Dakota’s voice over the phone. “I thought you said everything was going well? Was that an old voice-mail message I didn’t erase, because you don’t sound okay.”

There was never a more hectic time for Dakota than the first day of a new project. She started work on Belle Cove today. It was exciting, it was terrifying, and she loved every minute of it.

“Yes, I’m okay, and you know how I get.”

“Which is precisely why I’m in Chicago,” Susan pointed out, “and you’re in the middle of a buff group of guys working, wearing your designer heels that should be sneakers.”

“Shows how little you know—I am in sneakers, and I might add, extremely comfortable ones. I may never go back to heels again,” Dakota vowed.

“Uh…yeah, that’s not going to happen,” Susan said confidently.

“I’ve got to stay focused—no exceptions, no matter how sexy he looks.”

“They,” Susan corrected.

“Yes, that’s what I said.”

“I think you had it right the first time.”

“Suzy, don’t read anything into this. Logan and I have been hanging out pretty regularly. He’s developed into a great friend to me—nothing more.”

“I think that’s more on your side than his. Logan Montague is mad about you, Dakota. Tell me you see that.”

“What I see is that I have work to do.”

“Fight it all you will, but you two have chemistry. That kind of thing doesn’t just happen, you know. It takes time to figure each other out, laugh at one another’s jokes, build up to the big kiss.”

“Suzy, you’re a mess.”

“I’m not a mess, I’m an observationist. Is that a word?”

“How do I know? You’re the one who said it.”

“Fine, I’ll leave it alone…for now. But you mark my words, sooner rather than later, I’ll be getting that ‘He kissed me two ways from Sunday’ call, so I’d prepare myself if I were you, because I’m going to tell you ‘I told you so.’”

Dakota laughed. “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. I have to go, but I’ll check in later.”

The plans she had for Belle Cove were more cosmetic than structural. During her design briefing with Logan, she recommended giving the resort a more natural, comfortable feel. She changed the color palettes in each building to reflect the individual mood of that space. The main resort was the first they would be remodeling. Most of the furniture would remain, but the fabrics and palette would be toned down, yet still tie in to the Jamaican culture and landscape.

Logan had assigned what Dakota liked to call a “honey-do detail” to escort her to vendor appointments, shopping or wherever she needed to go. She put the group of drivers to good use. There were times when she was out for hours, looking over textiles or ornamental pieces, and it was nice to have someone to help lug her purchases back to the car.

The best part was coming back and finding out that they looked as great as she imagined they would in the allotted space. There was no greater sense of accomplishment for Dakota than to see her dream transformed into reality.


“Be with you in a sec,” she said from halfway under a table in the library. She had just purchased new wooden lamps for the tables and was setting them in place.

She backed out the way she had come and stood up.

“Not that I don’t appreciate the view, but what are you doing?”

Dakota turned around to see Logan standing directly behind her. His arms were folded across his chest, and he wore an amused expression.